Happy New Year everyone!

I know it sounds peculiar — forget New Year’s resolutions? Surely, that’s not right!

Everyone’s talking about their resolutions for the new year.

Everyone’s waving goodbye and saying good riddance to 2021 and making big and beautiful plans for 2022.

BUT what if that’s not the right attitude to creating your dream life?

What if making New Year’s Resolutions just holds you back?

Think about it — how many people do you know who begin the year with their list of ‘must do’s’ and big goals only to drop the ball on all of them by the month’s end?

I’ll tell you the statistics (not to depress you – to make you see there has to be another way) 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February.

That’s a shocking amount, right?

You could say it’s pretty indicative of some kind of problem shared by many of us.

Something like lack of motivation? Lack of follow-through?

Laziness? Procrastination? All of the above?

Please don’t get downhearted or ashamed thinking about the plans you failed to keep.

I’ll tell you what I think the reason is for this lack of follow-through — it’s bad planning and a misunderstanding of the human brain.

It’s too overwhelming mentally to simply decide that 2022 is the year you make a million dollars, lose weight, meet your soulmate, move country, have a family, or fill in your blank here WITHOUT a game plan or getting your mind right first.

You could create the prettiest, glitteriest, most inspiring list of resolutions in the world but if you don’t know HOW you’re going to meet those goals it’s useless to you.

There’s also the fact that having an entire twelve months stretching ahead of you can seem like an eternity to get these things done, so what motivation do you have for starting today?

You can just wait and do it in July, or in October right? Wrong.

The truth is if you want to change, I mean REAL CHANGE in 2022, you have to create a strategy for yourself that works!

You have to ALIGN your mind with the frequency of your intentions.

You have to FOCUS on small, incremental steps to meet your goals.

You have to BELIEVE in yourself and your ability to create change.

I’m not saying DON’T have any intentions — I’m saying CREATE intentions with a game plan.

New Year’s resolutions tend to anchor you in the energy of lack.

They draw attention to what you do not have and place the focus on the things you are yearning for but cannot reach.

They remind you of where you feel like you are failing.

When you boldly declare ‘I want to be thin this year!’, you are saying ‘I am overweight.’

If you say ‘this year I’ll make my fortune!,’ your words might sound good, but the energetic vibration you are resonating at sounds like ‘I’m poor’ to the Universe.

These kinds of resolutions without intention and strategy tend to emphasize your flaws — too fat, too unhealthy, too poor, too alone, not successful, etc.

I believe there is a magic recipe for making sure you really make 2022 the year you thrive in abundance.

It goes something like this:

  • Decide on your top 3 intentions for the coming year.
  • Decide on the action steps that you can take to manifest these intentions.
  • Break the year down into smaller chunks (say 10 weeks at a time or 12 weeks/ 3 months at a time).
  • Create challenges and deadlines within these smaller periods that serve your larger intentions (taking your action steps).
  • Reward your triumphs, however small. This ensures you create positive momentum and it’s great for your dopamine levels and brain chemistry.
  • Carve out time each and every day to get your mind right. That means, positive, clear, and healthy thinking and meditation!

When you are consistently in a good place spiritually, emotionally, and mentally you will be far more likely to meet your goals and you will feed your dreams with good energy.

The KEY to successful change this year lies in integrating your goals into your life in a lasting way.

You have to introduce daily, positive habits and routines that keep you aligned with your intentions.

Instead of just rushing in on the excitement and high of New Year’s Eve, you make a grounded, intelligent, and success-oriented action plan to actually see your dreams come true.

My top tip: Plan your deadlines and rewards for hard work ahead of time in an agenda or digital calendar.

Remember to keep it within a tighter time frame (12-weeks for example), and look ahead at the start of each week to what is required from you that week.

This will help to organize your mind, schedule and keep you on track.

Believe in your ability to make changes and never stop dreaming!

BUT dream big, be detailed and most of all believe that your dreams are coming true!


You have to ALIGN your mind with the frequency of your intentions.

You have to FOCUS on small, incremental steps to meet your goals.

You have to BELIEVE in yourself and your ability to create change.

You have everything you need within you right now to create a beautiful, magical and abundant 2022!