2022 is fast approaching, and it’s going to be the year that’s for you!

Now, we all know that during the holiday season is when we usually start to create resolutions.

But that’s now a thing of the past. We have replaced resolutions with intentions.

Every action you take is based on an intention.

Whatever words that come out of your mouth were first sparked by something inside of you, and it’s this energy we tap into when deciding whether or not to call our friends or family or go out to have dinner or accept a job offer.

A good definition for intentions might be “an energetic state involving purpose.”

An intention is a spark behind every desire. It’s like you are fueling your desires with thoughts.

You’re focusing your energy on it. Intention setting is when you clarify and get specific with your goals and concentrate on how you want your life to be.

So, this 2022, it is time to create powerful intentions to manifest your best life.

Here are some ideas to help you craft yours:


Abundance comes in different forms.

It’s not just about wealth, it can also be good health, love, and time.

And when you start to have an abundance mindset, you will realize that you are also attracting all the good things in life.

It is important to believe in yourself and believe that you are the co-creator of your destiny, so go ahead, work with the Universe, and harness its power.

Intention: I will fill my life with abundance.

Partner crystal: The Citrine stone will help you set your intention in the coming year!

If you want to make changes in your life, like start a new business, focus on self-love, and travel the world, all you have to do is focus your energy and vibration there.

It is known as the solar plexus stone, so it’s all about strengthening your authentic, personal power.

It is the best stone for intention setting because it can amplify your desires and turn them into reality.


Energy is the currency of the Universe. You should always make it a habit to protect yours.

You can set intentions that will protect you and help you feel secure.

This 2022, it is about time to choose the people you are surrounded with.

Protect your vibration from negative energies.

You need to let go of what no longer serves you; it could be things, emotions, habits, or even relationships.

Intention: I intend to protect my energy from negative energies.

Partner Crystals: Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone.

It can cleanse the negative energy affecting your decision-making and handle your emotions.

Career and Success

If you want to focus on your career this 2022, then why not? Go for it and strive for success.

If you want a promotion, a pay raise, or if you’re out there looking for your dream job, believe that you can achieve it.

But don’t ever forget to always look at the bigger picture and realize that every step you take towards what you want leads you to your goals.

Any kind of progress, big or small, is still progress.

Intention: I will be successful this 2022.

Partner Crystals: If you’re already set with your intentions to succeed and achieve your goals then the best stone for you would be Blue Aventurine.

It’s crucial to have faith in yourself and the process while establishing goals and making intentions.

Using Blue Aventurine will help you express your mind more boldly. It’s a good crystal for boosting the energies of all seven chakras.

You may find it difficult to follow your intuition, but Blue Aventurine can assist you with this as well.

It’s a good idea to have this crystal nearby while you’re writing or creating intentions.


Love is always there for you.

If you want a better relationship with yourself, your loved ones, or even your romantic partner then start 2022 with a bang!

Set intentions that will help you get closer to your love desires.

But first, think about what kind of love you want to receive.

Reflect on your past relationships and think about what your heart needs.

Intention: I will stay in the moment throughout my journey to love.

Partner Crystals: Rose quartz is a powerful stone that attracts all kinds of love that you want.

It is the stone of universal love and is known to help in boosting love in all areas of your life.

Besides its association with love, it’s also a great stress-relieving stone.

The stone lets you feel more calm and relaxed to promote more soulful healing.


We all have some things to heal from, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.

It is actually good that you’re interested in healing yourself this 2022.

This is a great step for your journey. It will help you feel relieved, refreshed, and ready for the year.

The most important thing you can do is to surrender everything to the Universe and trust the process.

Give in to the healing energy of the divine and let go of control.

Intention: I will heal from my past, pains, and traumas.

Partner Crystals: If you are in need of a calming crystal, then Amethyst is the answer.

It can dispel anger, fear, doubt, stress, and anxiety. It has the power to transform negativity into positive energy.

What intentions do you want to manifest this 2022?

Write them all down in this FREE Manifest Your Intentions Journal 2022!

Whatever your intentions may be, may the Universe be with you and lead you to your desires.

If you’re looking for the right partner crystal for your desires, you can check out our Manifestation Magic Boutique.

It’s filled with crystals that can guide you to what you want, be it wealth, love, personal growth, or success.

Happy holidays!