Manifestation has taught us that we can turn our dreams into reality.

And if you think it’ll be hard to do… don’t worry.

There’s a way to practice it. I’ll show you how.

When you dream at night, have you ever experienced that you have full control of what’s happening?

You’re either aware that you’re dreaming or you’re not but whatever it is you think of, you can make it appear in your dream.

It’s like your very own realm – where anything and everything is possible.

That’s called Lucid Dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is when you have full control of your dreams. It can last 1 to 10 minutes.

But through practice, this can still be extended to how long you want it to be.

This is a place where you can create your very own fantasy or turn your thoughts into reality.

It’s the perfect practice area for your manifestations.

That’s the beautiful thing about our subconscious when we’re dreaming, it can’t fully distinguish reality from fantasy.

That’s why when you are in this state, you can think about what you want and make it happen.

Think about the luxury car you’ve always wanted and suddenly, you’re already driving it.

This is just one example of a lucid dream.

What’s good about it is you experience the feeling of getting what you want and you can tune into that feeling and use that to boost your manifestation journey.

Learn these awesome steps to start practicing.

1. Get Clear With What You Want

Before sleeping, as you lie in bed, think about what your desire is.

Be clear with it. Be sure that this is what you want to manifest.

If you want financial stability, be specific with the details.

How do you want it to happen? What scene do you see unfolding before you?

Create the scene in your mind so that when you do fall asleep, it is still strong in your mind and you can easily bring it into your dreams.

2. Create The Perfect Image

Now that you know what you want to manifest, go ahead and create the perfect image.

The perfect image is that scene that shows exactly what you want.

Since we used financial stability in step number 1, you will now create an image that signifies just that.

This image is what you will try to conjure when you’re dreaming.

What does financial stability look like to you? What does a life filled with abundance look like?

Think about this as you create the perfect image.

3. Lucid Dream Journal

Having a journal beside you will help you jot down quickly what you dreamt about.

The moment you wake up, go ahead and try to recall what happened in your dream.

This will help you analyze if you are getting better at lucid dreaming and manifestation at night.

Harness the Power of Lucid Dreaming for Your Manifestation

You can use the power of lucid dreams to make your dreams turn into reality.

It works because your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a dream and the real world.

The more you play with your dreams and manipulate them to bring about the things you desire, the more your subconscious begins to think that they are real.

Have you ever tried to control your dreams?