Dear Alex,

I have been meditating consistently, day and night, but I don’t see any results.

I always visualize what I want, and I use positive affirmations to support my journey.

What can I do to manifest fast? Am I doing something wrong?

* * * * *

Thank you for asking this question, dear one.

Many people out there might be feeling the same way, and I am here to help you manifest the life of your dreams.

To be honest, manifestation is different for each individual.

Some can manifest anything they want as quickly as a few hours, while it may take months for others.

It’s good that you’re taking extraordinary steps to turn your desires into reality.

Meditation and positive affirmations are beautiful techniques that raise your vibration.

But it is not about how often you do it; it’s about the intentions you are setting and how aligned your vibration is to your desire.

It’s okay if you’re not sure about your vibration; there is still time.

To make the Law of Attraction work for you and manifest fast, do these exercises.

1. Identify Your Abundance Blocks

Have you ever asked yourself if you’ve already let go of the abundance blocks in your life?

These abundance blocks are your limiting beliefs, traumas, emotions, habits, and negative thought patterns combined.

This could be a sum of your experience from the past until this very day.

You see, abundance blocks are negative subconscious beliefs; some go way back since our childhood days.

So how do you identify them?

Take time to sit down and relax. Think about money, love, family.

As you think about these things, allow your thoughts to venture into the deepest part of your mind.

Let your mind welcome these negative beliefs so that you may acknowledge them.

Use these affirmations to combat these beliefs:

  • I am a limitless being
  • I am a money magnet
  • I attract all that I desire

2. Start Small

Dear one, the law of attraction is so powerful. But reading about it and doing it are different things.

Sometimes, we feel that we’re already so capable (and you are, trust me), but it may fail when you don’t have the belief to back that up.

Don’t begin with a desire that’s so BIG that you start to doubt it may happen.

For example, suddenly, you want a million dollars, and you want to manifest it in a week.

But as the end of the week neared, you went on to think that it’s never going to happen, LOA is not true – you’re then stuck with limiting beliefs.

In turn, your vibration changes.

Start with something small, like a pay raise in your job.

Think about the amount you want. Feel the emotion you’re going to have once you receive it, then focus on that feeling.

Let it be your guiding light. Allow your vibration to be aligned to your desire.

Sooner rather than later, you will receive a message from your boss – giving you the raise you’ve been manifesting.

3. Embody Gratitude and Generosity

Be grateful for all that you have now and communicate to the universe that it “is allowed” to provide more of this.

Let your subconscious mind know, why?

Because this is where your higher self lies, and your higher self is connected to the Universe.

The next time you meditate, say this:

Dear Universe, I am happy with where I am right now. I am thankful for all the blessings I receive every day and I am ready for more.

Next is generosity. When you give back to people and do not expect anything in return, you are doing an act of kindness.

You can donate clothes, money, or food. It doesn’t matter as long as it came from your beautiful heart.

Generosity + Gratitude equates to abundance.

It attracts a life full of endless possibilities because you give other people a chance to live their lives.

Parting Thoughts

So to manifest your desires fast, let go of your limiting beliefs and believe in yourself.

Let the Universe know that you are ready.

Because you can manifest anything, you put your mind to.

To help you further in your manifestation journey, click on this manifestation guide and get your FREE audio.

A life of abundance awaits you, dear one.