Are you feeling stuck with your manifesting?

Do you feel as though no matter what, the abundance you desire never seems to arrive?

One of the most important factors you NEED to focus on in creating your dream life is the BELIEF that you can have your desires.

You must believe.

You must believe you can have what you want.

I cannot stress this enough.

Your beliefs are the bedrock of everything you are able to create in your life.

If you believe that rich people are inherently bad, you will never reach the financial goals you desire for yourself.

It’s normal for many people — the majority really, to view rich people with suspicion.

Lots of people think, perhaps those rich people did something unethical to get where they are today, or maybe they got there by being mean or stingy.

The truth is that the size of your bank account has nothing to do with whether or not you are a good person.

There are ‘bad’ people who are rich and ‘bad’ people who are poor. There are ‘good’ people who are rich and ‘good’ people who are poor.

People who are living financially abundant lives have simply tapped into the flow of wealth that exists in the Universe and extends to all of us.

The difference is they BELIEVE they deserve it and they have removed the blocks standing in their way of receiving it.

Of course, money and being rich does not necessarily bring happiness, as we all know.

So maybe it’s time to redefine exactly what abundance means to you.

It can mean a certain amount in your bank account of course, but it can also mean happiness, time, freedom, love, and joy.

What good are tons of money if you are miserable?

The Law of Attraction works by bringing you the true match to your own energetic frequency.

You can start changing your abundance story today.

Get clear on exactly what abundance looks like to you. Write it down.

  • Is it reaching 6 or 7 figures in your business?
  • Is it waking up when you want and choosing how to spend your day?
  • Is it being able to take a month off and disappear to a tropical beach?
  • Maybe it’s buying your family everything they desire, or donating regularly to a cause that serves the world in a positive way.

One of the best ways I have found to clarify the things I want is through regular journaling.

Using the power of words to write out your desires and visions, you can literally create a new abundance story every morning, each day shaping it to be the exact reflection of what you want.

Journaling and Visualization

Try writing in your journal every single morning for anything from ten minutes to as long as you feel you need to get everything out of your head and down on paper.

Always write from the first person I and in the present tense – this is so that you connect to the words and bring the feeling of having them into your body in a way that uplifts your vibration!

You want to get lost in your dreams, feeling that future reality as though it is already here.

Use the following prompts to get started:

  • What is your heart’s desire?
  • How can you visualize this as a reality in your life?
  • Why do you want your vision? What is it about your vision that lights you up?

Focusing on why you want what you want helps to strengthen your connection to it as well as boost the power it holds.

  • If the future version of you could speak to you now, what would they say about living this dream life?
  • What things do you already have that are on track to this life?
  • What seedlings of your manifestations can you be grateful for today?
  • How can you do something each day to contribute to creating your dream?
  • Can you find practical steps forward that feel empowering and uplifting?

Think about how you can take action yourself, it will make you feel inspired and motivated and keep you believing you deserve everything you dream of.

I hope you find these ideas helpful.

Writing things out is often the best way to understand exactly WHAT you want and WHY you want it!

Words are powerful.

They can help you go deep into your biggest fears, and your grandest desires.

They can help you clarify whether or not your present looks like the future you are hoping to create, and if not, how to switch course so you are more aligned with your desires.

Start creating YOUR abundance story today. Make it your own.

Stop thinking about what other people think, or what your family wanted for you, or your spouse, or your best friend, or the girl down the street.

Just get quiet, tap into the stillness within and DON’T HOLD BACK!

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” — John Keating