Crystal Healing and Protection for Empaths

Crystal Healing and Protection for Empaths

Calling all empaths! Did you know that using crystals as protection can be a highly effective part of your spiritual toolbox? An empath is someone highly sensitive, someone who tends to pick up on and absorb other people’s energy, moods, thoughts and feelings without...
How to Change your Life in One Day

How to Change your Life in One Day

“You always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” — Glinda, the good witch, The Wizard of Oz I believe what Glinda said to Dorothy applies to all of us. We have the power to get where we want to go, all we have to do is look...
The What, Why, and How of Manifestation

The What, Why, and How of Manifestation

Recently at a gathering with some friends, I became intrigued by a conversation taking place at the far end of the table. Three friends of mine were discussing Law of Attraction, or LOA, as they referred to it. One friend, who is a happy-go-lucky girl, is quite a...