by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 13, 2022 | Personal Development, Signs From The Universe
There is a truth within each of us that longs to be heard and followed. That truth is the voice of your soul, and it comes straight from your heart. When you listen to your soul’s voice, it helps you express yourself freely and get in touch with aspects of...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 12, 2022 | Personal Development
Gratitude can change your life! You’ve probably heard this by now, but being grateful is so powerful. There’s no wonder why it’s become a trend – people are just trying to make their lives better with lists of things they’re thankful for. But...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 11, 2022 | Signs From The Universe, Spirituality
Have you ever thought of offerings? No, you’re not a witch or anything if you do this. You are simply giving the Universe a gratitude offer. You are showing how much you appreciate all the blessings it has given you. We’ve talked about doing meditation and lifting up...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 10, 2022 | Astrology, Spirituality
Full moons are times for release, completion, revelation, and illumination. And in this post, I’ll be focusing more on how the full moon is a great time to close certain chapters in your life and have fresh new beginnings. Before we do that, I want you to stop reading...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 9, 2022 | Astrology, Spirituality
Another full moon will be grazing the sky on September 10, 2022. Are you excited? Do you know what to do during this time? Or better yet, do you know what you will manifest? You can check out your guide to September Manifestations right here. I hope this helps you...