Have you ever tried to declutter your space? How did that feel?

Didn’t it feel like a release – like you have finally let go of the things you no longer need?

That’s the beauty of decluttering.

You are not just clearing physical space but also mental and emotional space.

To be honest… decluttering is a magical tool for manifestation. Curious as to why?

Consider the fact that everything emits an energy frequency, which may be characterized as a vibration.

Everything in your house or workplace, from the magnificent artwork over your fireplace to the stack of unread mail in the corner, is vibrating energy.

Actual objects, just like ideas, have a vibrational frequency that either elevate or pulls you into a happy or negative state of mind.

Emotional as well as physical space is taken up by your possessions.

In addition to making a space seem messy, clutter may have a negative impact on your mental and emotional health.

As a result, both the brain and the room get cluttered.

When you take a methodical approach to organizing your space, you will see your life transforming in truly incredible ways.

Think about all of the things in your life that are just taking up space.

You can probably name several right now!

The act or process of sorting out these unnecessary possessions and getting rid of them will allow you to reevaluate what’s really important, giving more clarity on where you need to focus.

Maybe this can make us realize how little those material items actually matter…

The creation of more physical space is also reflected mentally and emotionally.

By gaining a sense of control of your surroundings you make room for the new to enter.

That’s why I believe that getting your living space in order is the missing ingredient in seeing through all those other resolutions you may have.

A clutter-free home is like a kick-start to addressing the rest of your life goals, giving you the positive energy required to tackle them.

Does it feel overwhelming to even know where to start?

I’m here to help with some easy steps to simple decluttering, getting you on the right path to an organized home and a clearer mind.

Take a look around your space right now.

See anything that jumps out at you, anything at all that you just wish you had the time to organize or sort through?

Make a quick assessment of what you have accumulated and then visualize how your home would ideally look if it were less cluttered with the old things.

Advice from the Pros:

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo is a great book for anyone who needs help getting rid of their clutter.

The process can be daunting, but it’s broken down into easy steps and each chapter offers helpful advice on how to go about tidying up your home or office space so that you’re not only more organized but also feel better as well!

The Mental and Material are Connected:

Have you ever been in a situation where it seemed like nothing would change?

You might feel stuck, or even worse — your head is filled with negative thoughts and feelings about yourself.

If this sounds familiar then don’t underestimate how your home can reflect what is going on within!

When we live somewhere that doesn’t make us happy – whether it’s because there are too many messy socks or toys on the floor – it can shift our entire mood.

Don’t underestimate the effects of having a clean and organized home.

Consider the Energy of your Space:

The connection between your frame of mind and where you live, eat and sleep is key.

The energy in your home will have a profound effect on your own energy as you walk into it and spend time there.

Would you prefer to come home to a calm, soothing open space that inspires you or a scattered, filled space with crowded and confusing energy?

Digital Detox:

Extend your cleaning mission to your inbox and electrical, digital goods.

That drawer full of wires and cables, those old batteries rolling around at the back, get rid of them.

Open your laptop, iPad, or phone and delete those unwanted folders, ancient downloads and files.

Upload storage to the cloud and make sure you know exactly where everything is that you need when you need it.

Clearing your desktop will help inspire you when you sit down to a new task not to mention improving the productivity and speed of your device.

Emotional Release:

Get real and face your fears as you sort through your things.

Ask yourself what you are afraid of releasing as you throw things out.

Is it a memory, something from the past you are clinging to?

Remember that however much you cling to something, it cannot remain permanently the same.

You don’t have to get rid of things you love, but the idea is to create a space for what uplifts you and enhances the positivity in your home.

Photographs, letters and other sentimental items are hard to throw away.

Ask yourself if you can hold the memory without holding on to the object.

If the answer is yes, find the release in making way for something new, safe in the knowledge that nobody can throw away your memories.

As you declutter, remember that your new organized space will radiate positive energy.

Decluttering is not just about becoming a tidier person; it’s also releasing the old and opening up for fresh eyes on life – which can lead to peace in our homes as well!

How about you, do you like decluttering?