Manifestation is an amazing thing, it can lead you to the life you desire.

But that’s not all there is.

Sure manifesting is great, but you need self-love too!

Self-love raises your vibration. It helps you heal your energy.

The question is… do you really love yourself?

We’re all taught from a young age that loving ourselves is wrong, and tending to our own needs first can lead us down the path toward selfishness.

The truth about self-love isn’t bad or negative – if anything, it helps you create healthy boundaries for yourself.

Many individuals are unaware of the connection between the law of attraction and self-love.

Knowing that everything in this universe is made up of energy and vibration, doesn’t it reasonable that you would flow pure energy through love?

When you’re happy with yourself, you’re happy with everything else.

Everything reflects your beliefs, perceptions, and vibrations.

To love oneself first is not selfish, it is vital, and we are not talking about pride or bragging about how great you are!

We’re talking about self-acceptance and self-respect on a fundamental human level.

Self-esteem, self-worth, and compassion are all derived from loving oneself.

As a result of social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, it has become more difficult for us to validate our own worth without the help of others.

Sometimes, we can’t help but feel miserable because we continuously compare our life to those of others or attach our value to their views.

The solution here is to develop such a strong feeling of self-worth that nothing anybody says or does will be able to shake it.

The starting point for all miracles is self-love!

5 Tips to Learn Self-Love

1. Focus On Positivity

Write down three good things about yourself every day.

Any accomplishments you have made in life, as well as friendships and physical/character features you appreciate in yourself, are examples of accomplishments too.

This helps because it teaches you to focus on the good aspects of your life rather than the bad ones.

Think about how much better you’d feel if you praised yourself instead of criticizing it!

2. Take a Break From Your Routine

Go to the movies or a new restaurant on your own instead of waiting for someone to go with you or for the occasion to present itself.

When you can break past fears you have about doing these activities alone, you increase that connection to your genuine self.

You find the part of yourself that unconditionally loves you.

3. Take a Trip

You may nurture self-love and self-awareness by embarking on a solo vacation.

It’s even better if you also take in a new culture or unfamiliar area since you will be forced to peel down whatever prejudices you may have about people and yourself.

When you have the courage and confidence to plunge into the unknown, you will learn a great deal about yourself.

4. Have a Journal

Writing is a proven therapeutic means of releasing stress and negativity.

Journaling is a wonderful way to go through your thoughts and feelings about yourself and your life.

It’s also possible to look back and see how you overcame obstacles and learned from your mistakes.

5. Try Mirror Work

Start each day by telling yourself, “I love you and I want to be your friend”.

Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself this every morning.

Say what makes you feel better about yourself.

It may be difficult at first for some, but if you stick with it, your self-esteem and self-confidence will rise.

Love yourself a little more each day, and who knows… maybe the Universe is listening.

Maybe through your journey with self-love, you find yourself manifesting greater things.