January is a month of new beginnings. 🌟 Everybody is pumped up to live better lives!

Aside from sticking to a healthy diet 🥗 and having an active lifestyle 🏋🏻‍♀️, have you thought about working harder to attract positivity into your life? 📈

What most of us don’t realize is that the most significant changes happen on the inside.

So, this year, why not make a plan to attract more positivity in your life?

And an effective way to do this is by creating a law of attraction journal. ✍🏼

There are many ways to start a law of attraction journal. To start, here are types of journals that you can explore to kickoff your journey towards a more positive life…

Gratitude Journal 🙌🏻

How To Start a Law of Attraction Journal For a More Positive LifeYou already know what a gratitude journal is — well, for those of you who don’t, a gratitude journal is where you write down about the things, people, and events that you’re grateful for. 🙏🏻

Why do you need this?

Gratitude is the key to the law of attraction working to your advantage. Start your gratitude journal by writing down the ten things that you’re grateful for. It could be the things that happened to you during that day or your entire life. ☀️

From there, commit to writing something down in your gratitude journal every day.

Manifestation Record ⏺

Instead of writing down the things that you want to manifest in your life, why not write the ones that have manifested already? Journal all the manifestations that you’re aware of, and you’ll be surprised to end up with a long list! 📝

This encourages you to be more mindful of the positive things that are happening in your life.

In our day to day lives, it’s so easy to get caught up in what’s lacking, and this won’t help you with your goal to live a more positive life.

When you keep a record of the things that you have manifested into your life, you open your eyes to the beautiful things. Being aware of this topples over any negativity on a day-to-day basis.

The Next Day 🗓

The first thing you think when journaling is to write about your day. But for a law of attraction journal, we are going to do it differently.

Instead of writing about the day that just gone, set your intentions for the next day in advance.

At the end of the day, write down what you want to happen the next day. But when you write it down, write it in the past tense as if it’s already happened in your life.

By doing this, you get to raise your energy. ⚡️It brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness 😄 that attract what you want.

Don’t forget to record your manifestations as well!


Dream Journal 🛌

How To Start a Law of Attraction Journal For a More Positive LifeThere are powerful messages in dreams. It’s because these dreams could come from your subconscious. It’s important to look into your dreams when you can remember them and write them down.

You could use some elements of your dreams to help you with your life.

So, instead of grabbing your mobile phone 📱 early in the morning, take out your notebook, write down your dream before it’s gone!

There are no hard and fast rules when journaling, but when it comes to keeping a law of attraction journal, you need to put more focus on methods that will help you manifest your desires.

Try any of the journals I discussed with you and see what will work for you… or better yet, do a combination of all of them. For starters, why not check out our journal here?

Cheers to a more positive life in 2020 and beyond! 🥂