by Alexander J. Wilson | Aug 7, 2023 | Abundance, Love & Relationships, Numerology, Personal Development, Signs From The Universe
Harness the Magic of the Number Eight with the Lion’s Gate Portal This August 8th we have the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal. This occurs when the star Sirius perfectly aligns with the Sun in Leo. It brings potent and highly spiritual energy to all of us on...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Jul 31, 2023 | Abundance, Angel Numbers, Numerology, Signs From The Universe
It is never a coincidence when you see the Angel Number 11:11. These numbers are an indication of divine power guiding you forward. They are always a sign that you are aligned and on the right path. They represent a positive flow of energy around you. They...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Jul 31, 2023 | Abundance, Numerology
Have you ever experienced the mysterious power of repeating numbers like 333 or 222? It’s not just a coincidence – it’s a message from the universe. Imagine waking up at 2:22 am, paying $2.22 for your morning coffee, and then watching a captivating...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Jun 26, 2023 | Abundance, Numerology, Personal Development, Signs From The Universe, Spirituality
Imagine waking up every day with the confidence that comes from being financially comfortable and stable. Money is a crucial element of life, and though we might like to think otherwise, it’s something we all need to survive. I, too, have tried and tested many...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Jun 17, 2023 | Angel Numbers, Numerology, Signs From The Universe
Do you often see the sequences of the number 1212? Perhaps when you glance at the clock on your computer or car. Or maybe they appear on a license plate, or a ticket you pull in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. The trick to knowing that these numbers are a...
by Alexander J. Wilson | May 29, 2023 | Angel Numbers, Love & Relationships, Numerology
In the realm of angelic guidance, numbers hold significant meaning and symbolism. Each number carries a unique vibration and message from the divine realm. One such number is Angel No. 666, often misunderstood due to its association with negativity. However, the...