Sssh… It’s time to Meditate with ASMR!
Have you heard of the ASMR phenomenon that’s taking over social media? If not, don't worry because...
Shower Meditation: Can You Use Water to Wash Negativity Away?
Meditation is a great answer to find comfort in such a stressful time. The only problem is, it’s...
4 Ways to Make the Most Out of the Full Moon’s Energy
When the moon is full, there is often a great deal of energy, both positive and negative, building...
Feeling Lost? Use the Moon’s Eight Phases to Live the Life You Desire
You may not know it, but the moon plays a big part in our lives. It represents our emotional side,...
Why Full Moon is the Best Time for Manifestation
The Full Moon is a great time to manifest. The moon is a lovely and illuminating source of light...
A Breath Ritual for the August Full Moon
A beautiful August Full Moon lights up our skies this week on the 11/12th depending on your...
Use Numerology to Discover Your Soulmate
Being with someone with whom we have a deep connection is one of the most significant aspects of...
Tune into the Energy of 8/8 and Go for Your Desires
The Wonderful August 8 = 8/8 is Here 88 is your angel telling you it’s time to take care of...
Lionsgate Portal: What to Manifest on the Luckiest Day of the Year Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Have you been noticing a shift in the vibration around you? It’s not just you. On August 8th, we...
Money Code: What’s Your Lucky Abundance Number?
Have you ever noticed how frequently the number "333" and other repeating numbers appear? Have you...
Angel Numbers and You: Why Seeing Them Is Great News
Angels communicate with us in synchronistic manners, which entails seeing the same thing again to...
Angel Numbers to Guide You in Your Manifestations
Think about getting out of bed in the middle of the night to get a glass of water. You turn to the...