A beautiful August Full Moon lights up our skies this week on the 11/12th depending on your timezone.

This is another Super Full Moon, the third and final one of the year, this time in the sign of Aquarius.

This is one of my ALL-TIME favorite full moons of the year for releasing, purifying and breaking up old routines, as well as remembering that YOU are the SOURCE of LOVE that you need.

The full Moon occurs when the Moon opposes the Sun and the Earth lies in the middle.

The light that we see reflects our shadows and also our potential gifts.

Think of every Full Moon like a spotlight, revealing to you where you can keep striving forward, but also reminding you of what you may need to overcome to reach your ideal destiny.

Each time we have a Full Moon the influence it has on all of us spiritually, mentally, and physically is determined by its astrological position.

That is what shows us what kind of energy to expect.

This Full Moon is in AQUARIUS – The Water Bearer, a symbol of emotional transmutation.

What does that mean?

If you are experiencing any dense, negative, heavy emotions then now is the perfect time to transform those into something lighter, easier, more loving and hopeful.

The sign of Aquarius is associated with unconditional love for the whole of humanity as a collective.

I think it’s the perfect Full Moon to share an easy breath ritual with you all to tap into feelings of hope, unconditional love and optimism.

Whenever external circumstances feel overwhelming it’s important to remember that we have no control over them.

The only thing we have control over is how we choose to show up in the world.

Our reactions and responses to events, people, situations, and circumstances are what determine our destiny.

However, you choose to direct your focus, attention, and energy will be reflected back into your life.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the energy of external events, to be distracted by bad news, and constant messaging about what’s going on around you and to feel helpless in the face of all of that.

This Aquarius Full Moon energy urges us to remember our own energy is what counts.

We must live from the inside out. Try not to be buffeted by what’s going on in the world around you.

It’s possible to be aware of the important events and circumstances without allowing them to totally rule your energy.

A perfect way to manage this is with this BREATH RITUAL.

We hold the power in our breath to regulate our emotions, our mind and our body.

All you have to do is find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

Just close your eyes and take some easy breaths in and out.

Now send your focus 100% towards your breath. Imagine yourself being filled with a beautiful, healing white light. You are connected to peace in this moment.

Feel within yourself a powerful, strong and centered sense of who you are.

This is the vibration of LOVE. This is a frequency of CALM.

It’s a sense of inner knowing. A grounded, centered version of yourself from which you can live your life. A sacred center that belongs just to you.

Think to yourself,

  • I am not going to be ruled and determined by any external “noise”.
  • I am the master of my own energy.
  • I am a co-creator with the Universe.

Now make the intention to send out love, compassion, gratitude and joy to everyone.

Make the intention to radiate energy from your heart center outwards, shining just like the Moon.

Decide to always take action from your heart. See things in a way that honors your own truth and brings only love and peace.

Use this August Full Moon to connect with your center and to feel love for yourself and for all things.

The highest vibration is Unconditional Love.

Make your mantra be: I Choose Love.

As the final Super Moon of 2022, this Full Moon also guides us towards a choice point on our lifepath.

You may now feel sure of the way ahead. You might feel full of ideas and goals you want to put into action for the remaining months of the year.

That’s a wonderful feeling! Be sure to move forward from that place of LOVE at all times.

And whenever you feel lower, negative energy pulling you back, you can drop into that breath ritual to reconnect with the vibration of love, peace, joy and gratitude.