If you’ve never heard of angel healing and angel therapy, then all of this may be very unusual to you.

I’m saying this because each time I introduce these ideas to my friends, they are skeptical and finding them hard to accept.

And if you feel this way, I understand.

However, just as with manifestation, just as with your connection to the universe, your faith is the key to miracles.

You manifest healing; you manifest joy; you manifest health when your heart accepts them as true. So bear with me.

Open your mind and your heart and find it within yourself to accept that there is far more to our world than meets the eye.

So what are angels?

Angels are creatures of infinite divine power with the sole purpose to protect you. You may have heard or even prayed to them.

They’re found in most religions. Most commonly, you see them with a halo above their head and white wings to fly through Heaven. It’s what you may even put on your Christmas tree.

My definition is different. We all have angels and archangels that protect us. This has nothing to do with how they’re portrayed in religion.

These are beings of energy we can’t see, nor touch, but only feel their presence. Or you can consider these angels a to be the universe itself, the love, the healing, the joy that the universe wants you to feel.

What’s important here is that you can invoke them.

You can connect with them. And if you do so, you’ll receive their healing, love, and help.

You know how it is?

When you manifest, you focus on what you desire; you get clear on what you want. The universe puts in your way the people and the circumstances to make this happen. Angel therapy or angel healing (it’s called in many names) is raising your frequency to connect with your healing angel to heal spiritually, emotionally and even physically.

While manifestation is mostly an external thing, as you manifest things or opportunities, invoking and connecting with your angel is a matter of inner healing, of bringing yourself to your best. If you understand this difference, then you can understand almost everything there is to know about this topic.

So what angels can do for you?

Let me tell you through my story. 

While I was always a believer in manifestation, accepting the existence of angels and their purpose to protect us came harder. I took a lot of studies and discussions with enlightened practitioners of angel healing to finally open my heart to the idea. At that period of my life, I was going through a depression. While I manifested almost everything I wanted, a new house, a new car, even a two weeks vacation to Bora Bora, inside, I felt broken. I felt disconnected to the world and like everyone I love was moving away from me.

I was feeling like a bad person.

Know why?

Because I was growing and prospering and my life was heading in such an exciting direction while so many of my friends and even relatives were struggling and there was nothing I could do for them.

To make it even worse, I was feeling like an imposter.

People were coming to my workshops and seminars and offering me thousands of dollars for coaching. And yet, here I was. I was no Indian guru. I had not spent 15 years in a cave finding the universal truths. I am not some best-selling author known by everyone and who had been featured on Oprah.

No, I am just a normal guy who discovered how manifestation worked and studied it further, making it work. I had no right to be so successful, or at least, that’s what I’ve thought then.

It broke my spirit, my emotions were on the negative side and my mind could not do anything good. Then I’ve tried angel therapy and what happened was nothing shorter of a miracle. The first thing that happened was to feel safe.

It was the same feeling as when I was a child and I would jump into the open arms of my mother. I was feeling protected and cherished and like someone is there for me, in the room, next to me, even if I couldn’t see or touch my guardian angel.

Then slowly, I felt all my pain, all my suffering melting. It’s hard to describe unless you go through this process. But to make it clearer to you, think of a time in your life when you were very concerned about something or someone. You were so tense you could hardly think of anything else. Your muscles ached from all the tension and while you knew you had to rest, you couldn’t.

Maybe you were waiting for your college admission paper.

Or maybe someone you love that you’re expecting failed to show up, and you assumed the worse.

Or you were pacing the room, back and forth, waiting for that phone call that would change your life forever.

Now, imagine please how you got the answer you deserved. You received that admission paper, and you got in. Or the person you were waiting for and assumed the worse just walked through the door. The phone call came and there were good news.

That release of anxiety and pain that made everything right.

This is what I felt too. Release.

A huge weight lifted off my shoulders. A sense of clarity. All my guilt, all my pain, released.

Feeling like someone took a needle and made a hole in my suffering, letting it get out.

It wasn’t all at once. It’s not like I did one session and I was like new. I took several sessions, over almost one month to eliminate all my pain.

But eventually, I did.

And up to that moment, I had one secret tool in my life – manifestation. Now I had two – manifestation and angels.

So how do you go through the same process?

It’s usually a guided one, just like a guided meditation.

A master in angel healing usually records a message. This message comes directly from the angels. It’s the voice of a person, these are the words of a person, but the person acts only as a spiritual conduit, like a messenger.

By listening to such a message and by opening your heart and operating at that level of vibration, you create a connection with your own guarding angel and start the healing process.

What angels cannot do for you?

Angels don’t manifest external things. Angels can’t bring you a new car or a new house. For this, you must go through the process of manifestation I’ve explained countless times on this blog.

Angel healing is just what it sounds, healing. It’s about your inner world, your emotions, your mind, and even your body. I have also used angel therapy to eliminate physical pain, which I’ll tell you in another post. I also know many people who rely on it every time they are sick.

One of them is a good friend that had an accident. They’ve tried everything to make him comfortable, including morphine. A single angel healing session made him feel like there is no pain. It was so effective that it baffled even the doctor and he couldn’t find an explanation for this.

For more information please visit manifestationmagic.com