Cha-ching! Cha-ching!

When you read that, did it give you a positive reaction about money?

Last week, we talked about what’s a money block and how you can overcome them.

So, just a quick recap: Money blocks are what hinders your financial success and freedom.

These are a sequence of ideas, attitudes, or mindsets that prevent you from achieving your goals.

It might be paying off debt, save money quickly, increase your revenue streams, and finance the lifestyle of your dreams.

But there are many money blocks out there, and we will try to go over them one by one.

Because when you’re aware, then you have the power to fix it.

If you’ve been asking yourself what’s keeping you broke, then these might give you an idea.

Money Block #1: Avoiding Responsibility

You have a deep-set belief that someone else should take responsibility for your financial wellbeing.

Maybe this is an ex or relative — someone other than yourself.

But in reality, you are handing all the power to be self-reliant and resourceful by looking outside for sources who don’t care about (or know) anything of value on their own accord.

Do you think it’s not up to you?

Think again – because when we let others manage our finances without taking steps to do so ourselves, we’re really giving away what little sense of control we might have as individuals!

Money Block #2: The Belief in Self-lack

This is actually a common mindset. If you’ve ever caught yourself thinking, I am not enough – then you are holding on to this belief too.

It’s an indication that you are holding a scarcity-based mindset, not feeling worthy, and believing yourself to be inadequate.

This is because we don’t value ourselves enough, so we can’t see the good in our lives reflected back at us by prosperity.

Money Block #3: Worshipping Money

Money worshippers believe that money is the key to happiness, and so they spend most of their time working for it.

But, due to this belief system, many people are too scared or don’t have enough income left over at the end of each month to be happy with what they have now — they always want more.

In an attempt to buy even just one hour’s worth of true joyfulness (whatever form that may take), these types go into debt, spending way beyond their means on things like clothes and cars because those items will make them happier than if they had saved up all year long instead.

Money Block #4: The Money Giver

Giving is an important part of life.

We have a common misconception that to receive is a selfish thing and the way we can compensate for this is by giving excessively, but in reality, over-giving takes away what you need to bring your best self forward in all areas of your lives.

In today’s world, it might be easy to think that receiving something is being “selfish”; however, while giving should not go unnoticed, excessive giving drains time and energy from us, so make sure there are times when you take care of yourself too!

Money Block #5: Money Doubts

If people kept thinking that they won’t attract good fortune, then they will stay where they are.

You get what you expect in life.

If you have low expectations, then that’s exactly how the result will be. Why?

Where we focus our attention grows and multiplies, so if we spend more time thinking about all of the negative things that might happen, instead of what could go right, it’ll manifest into those results!

It doesn’t matter which way this goes, a positive or negative outlook can both lead to great outcomes: either with amazing fulfillment or complete disappointment.

Money Block #6: Associating Wealth with Greed

Many people are judgmental about wealth and the wealthy.

Perhaps you think that those who amass great sums of money have no ethics or morals, while others may associate them with greed for more than what is fair share at the expense of other’s wellbeing.

While it’s important to stay grounded in our moral codes, becoming too fixated on how much one has can create a lack mentality rather than one filled with abundance.

Money Block #7: Lack of Specificity

If you want things done, you need to set specific goals for yourself.

While it may seem like a lot of work at first glance, these measurable and achievable targets will give your subconscious the motivation needed in order to make them happen.

Do not just envision vague concepts such as “freedom” or “a better life”; instead, be very clear about what exactly this freedom looks like and how long it takes before the said goal is achieved.

Money Blocks #8: Turning Away from Signs

Your gut instincts are important for your success.

It is often instinct that helps us make the right decision or find something we are looking for, but it can also be a sign from the universe!

Never underestimate how powerful our gut instinct is.

To strengthen and develop intuition, try meditating every day — even for only 10 minutes at most each day.

This will help you develop a stronger trust in yourself when making decisions on what path to take next with life endeavors, like career paths and relationships, without getting lost in self-doubt.

Money Blocks #9: Fear of Success

The problem with your subconscious mind is that it may actually be terrified of getting what you want!

It could be that you are scared of change or worried about the consequences. While being cautious can often lead to success, these fears will always hold back potential progress and opportunities in life.

Money Blocks #10: Money Vigilance

A lot of people watch their finances very closely, whether because they want to make sure the money is safe and sound or simply in order to spend it wisely.

Money vigilantes know that wealth comes from hard work and a little luck; at least, it most often does.

The problem with this type of personality arises when they take frugality too far:

Saving every last dollar for fear of losing what has been earned instead of preferring to spend time to live life in the now.

With all these money blocks, what resonates with you the most?

Let us know, and we will give you tips on how to overcome them!