These past 21 months have been trying times for the whole planet.

People have not only been concerned for their physical health but their mental and emotional health too.

Collective fear, uncertainty, and stress take their toll whether you realize it at the moment or not.

If you’re reading this blog, it’s because you, like me, value the benefits of grounding and spiritual practices in your life.

I’m hearing a lot of talk about impending financial changes, whether it’s instability on the stock market or investing in cryptocurrencies; people are discussing the benefits of making wise investments for the future.

Now, I’m no financial whizz but it got me thinking about the best investment I ever made — the one I made in myself.

Think about it, when you invest in yourself you get the best returns!

You experience growth that never depreciates.

You don’t need to understand the daily details of the stock market.

You don’t need thousands of dollars to buy bitcoin.

You simply need to invest in your own wellbeing, and believe me, once you do that — anything can happen. And I do mean ANYTHING.

We live in a limitless Universe.

That means NO LIMITS. Zero!

If you truly believe that, you can experience the life you dream of effortlessly.

So what do I mean by investing in yourself? There are different ways to invest in yourself.

Whether it’s learning a new skill, growing your knowledge, developing personally, or seeking to understand yourself on a more profound, spiritual level.

It really means that you are valuing your mind, body, and soul as the most precious assets you will ever own.

Your soul is eternal. Your body is your vessel for this lifetime on Earth.

What could be more valuable than that?

What’s more, when you invest in yourself the Universe notices.

The Universe always rewards action.

When you show that you love yourself enough to invest in your own wellbeing, the energy ripples outwards into the Universe and magnetizes back to you things of an equivalent frequency.

You send an important message that says:

I acknowledge my value and I am going to invest time and energy in myself in order to allow that potential to thrive.

The Universe will provide you with incredible experiences as a result of that leap of faith!

I’d like to share some ideas with you now about different ways you can invest in yourself.

I have tried them all, and they have changed my life in dramatic ways.

I’ll even go so far as to say that I would not be where I am today if I had not decided to put my own well-being first and foremost.

If I had not decided to step outside of my comfort zone and invest in myself physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially, I would be living a very different life.

Remember, you cannot get new results if you keep on doing the same things!

I encourage you to check out the following list and see where you can make time and space to invest in yourself.

1. Take Care of Your Health

Caring for your body is one of the biggest and most important investments you can make.

Instant gratification from junk foods is never worth the repercussions down the line, believe me.

Try to make sure your diet includes plenty of organic, whole, and plant-based foods.

Cut down on processed meals and alcohol and increase your water intake.

Just take one step towards healthier habits and you will feel so much better about yourself.

Your confidence will increase as well as your commitment to keeping going on a healthier path.

2. Learn New Skills

It’s never too late to learn something new.

It’s so important to build upon your knowledge and expertise, whether it’s going deeper in your chosen field, or something new that interests you about the world.

With virtual workshops, courses, products, and seminars it’s never been easier to expand your skillset.

I recently met an 85-year-old woman who was teaching herself Italian online, don’t let anything stop you!

3. Invest in a Course, a Coach, or a Teacher

Ask yourself what would happen if you started looking at your time, money, and work investments as proof of your self-belief?

Investing in the right thing for you, be that a course, a life coach, meditation or energy healing sessions, or some kind of therapist can be the difference between staying the same or leaping into new, high-frequency territory as the best version of yourself.

4. Set Goals and Priorities

The only way to stick to your intentions is to turn them into actions that produce results.

Setting goals and identifying priorities is the best way to make sure you are actually making progress in your life.

Be realistic about what you can achieve in a set amount of time, and follow through on your ideas.

Getting focused, organized, and disciplined with yourself is an investment that will bring huge rewards.

5. Work on Your Mindset Every Day

Your mindset is a choice. Your happiness is a choice.

Focus on the positive aspects of your life and become mindful of where your thoughts tend to go.

Don’t just repeat statements like, ‘I’m just a worrier’ or ‘it’s hard for me to focus.’

Those statements are only true because you continue to believe them.

Make up your mind to be happy and to worry less, and watch the Universe flow beautiful miracles towards you.

6. Get to Know Yourself on a Spiritual Level

One thing I have learned over the years is the importance of living in alignment with my values.

Spiritual authenticity is a big part of creating happiness and abundance.

You have to know who you are and what you really want in this life.

Your intentions need to be clear and you should make sure that everything you do is in alignment with your core values and ideals.

Make a list of what is important to you and delve into the details of how these things can become part of your passion and purpose in life.

If your budget allows, find a spiritual teacher to guide you or join retreats that help you to connect with your inner self through meditation, yoga or other healing practices.

In conclusion: I can promise that when you invest in your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, the Universe will show you new opportunity after opportunity.

You will move closer towards the best version of yourself, and once you start living in that energy, you become a magnet to others, attracting those who share your frequency and want to co-create with you in life and business.

What are you doing today to invest in yourself?