Neptune’s in retrograde, but what does that even mean, and why should you care?!

When a planet goes into retrograde, it symbolizes a need to look backward, revisit the past, and reflect and clarify situations or events before moving forward in life.

Depending on the characteristics of the planet and the themes in life it rules over, you can expect different energies to be around at this time.

Neptune entered its yearly retrograde on June 25, 2021, where it will remain until December 1, 2021, in the sign of Pisces.

This means that we will now have four planets, including Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto also in retrograde.

Neptune Retrograde asks us to take a look back to November 2020, and anything that has been happening since then, unfolding in our lives.

Are there any illusions that need to be broken? Do you see the clear truth of a situation in your life? Or in the wider world?

This is often a period where, if you were only previously looking through rose-colored glasses, you may find some surprising truths revealed.

These don’t have to be negative at all, Neptune is the planet of wishes, dreams, and illusions.

You can always create a new dream and work to put it in motion!

Dreams and manifestations evolve as we grow, our desires change, we adapt to circumstances, and we are always learning and transforming with new information and ideas.

New dreams are born every day, and that’s exactly how it should be.

After all, the only constant thing in life is change.

Luckily, Neptune is all about beautiful dreams, wishes, manifestations, higher consciousness, unconditional love, and oneness.

It also rules the unseen, urging us to look beyond what we think we know.

To feel with our intuition and seek out the truth behind the illusion so that we can move forward, and make progress from an authentic place.

Themes that are likely to arise as Neptune goes retrograde include:

  • Shattered Illusions
  • A Reality Check
  • Spiritual Growth / Evolution

Let’s take a look at these themes in more detail so that you can be fully prepared for what’s in store with all this cosmic energy!

Shattered Illusions

As Neptune enters retrograde and we are given a clear sight to view things in a more discerning way, any previous illusions may be shattered.

A bit like seeing behind the smoke and mirrors or distractions that have been blurring your vision, Neptune brings to light the reality of things.

Be ready to make sharper decisions about things in your life, as you realize that confusion has only been holding you back!

A Reality Check

It’s a great time to get grounded and look around at your current experience. How can you be where you are right now?

The events around the world over the last 15 months have been an upheaval for many.

Now is the time to get clear on your life situation, take stock of what’s around you and focus on your vision going forward.

It’s a great time to be sowing the seeds for new dreams and visions in the months ahead.

If you feel lost or uncertain about your path forward, begin with a simple recognition of the things you DO KNOW for sure.

The things you are clear about. And take it from there, one small step at a time.

Spiritual Growth / Evolution

Neptune’s energy helps us dive into spiritual wisdom and understanding.

We can work with the planet’s high frequency to connect deeper to our dream time, intuition, and third eye psychic abilities in a more effortless way.

During a Neptune retrograde, we all have better access to our inner worlds, so it’s an opportunity to connect to your Higher Self, your internal guide, and learn to listen to the wisdom coming through there.

There is great positive energy here for you, if you can take the time to go within, you will no longer need any kind of confirmation or validation from sources outside of yourself.

You will know what is the right path for you, and begin to follow it.

Keeping a dream journal or working with dream signs and symbolism is perfect at this time.

Neptune Retrograde Takeaways:

Consider what you may have been avoiding looking at and let the truth of any situation be revealed to you.

Use the energy to mature emotionally and see, perhaps for the first time, the truth of certain events in your life or the real motives of people around you or in the wider world.

Take that knowledge and ground yourself into a new reality with new intentions and visions for the months ahead. Be clear and positive as you imagine the brightest future for yourself.

Take advantage of the spiritual nature of Neptune and connect to your higher self by recording your dreams in a journal, and go forward from your inner wisdom.

Stop seeking answers from others or figures in the outside world and use this time to connect to your sovereignty as a human being on this planet.

Learn to trust your instincts and follow the guidance from within, for there is powerful wisdom within you when you truly know who you are.

Blessings, power, and love to you during Neptune retrograde.