How you decide to spend your morning has a huge impact on the rest of your day.

It can be the difference between a productive day or one that ends in frustration. I think this applies more than ever during this quarantine period when days seem to blend into each other and our regular routines have lost their meaning.

If you have a bad morning, you’re more likely to feel stressed and hurried throughout the day. On the other hand, if you have a good morning, you’re more likely to feel happy throughout the day, energized, and able to take on physical tasks or emotional burdens with much more ease.

The bottom line is that mornings matter.

The way to develop healthy habitual behavior is by becoming intentional with it. Make a conscious decision to form good habits by sticking to them again and again until they become part of your unconscious routine or second nature.

Does your current routine energize you?
Do you feel grounded and ready for the day?
Or are you simply draining yourself before you have even got started?

Take an honest look at how you normally start your day. The habits you create in the morning influence how you feel, think, act, and speak during the entire rest of the day.

We all have responsibilities we need to deal with in the morning, perhaps you’ve got kids to take care of, or tasks that need to be dealt with first thing. Even so, it’s so important that you carve out some time just for you to get your body and mind ready for the day ahead.

A morning ritual can be as long or short as you need it to be, as long as you are taking care of your vibration first.
Let’s look at some great habits to add to your routine to ensure that you are vibrating high all day long and acting, feeling, and thinking from the best version of yourself.

You can do any of these in the order that feels right to you – they are simply suggestions to help you kickstart your day for success.

1. Ground yourself with Meditation

Beginning your day by grounding and settling into the present moment is a wonderful way to ensure you feel calm, alert, and ready for anything the day throws at you. It’s your time to connect, even just briefly, with yourself. Checking in with yourself and making that important connection to how you feel.

If you don’t know how to meditate, simply close your eyes and take some deep breaths in and out and just try to focus on the brief moment between breaths. The important thing is taking time to still your mind, quiet your system, and pause before rushing into your day.

2. Energize your Body

The Power of a Morning Ritual to Energize and Ground You

Take time for some movement in the morning. It doesn’t have to be a full-body workout or an entire yoga session, some simple stretches can be all you need to let your body feel alive, awake, and ready for the world. When you begin your day with movement, you energize both body and mind, get your blood flowing, and help dispel stagnant energy or mental chatter.

My advice? Switch up what you do and see what works best for you. It could be a brisk walk outside in nature, 10 minutes of sun salutations, or a fast set of jumping jacks and sit-ups.

3. Gratitude

Practicing gratitude before you even get out of bed is an amazing way to begin your day. It just takes one minute! You can do it while you’re still lying down. All you need to do is to bring to mind one thing you are grateful for in your life and allow your entire body to bask in this feeling of gratitude.

4. Create Positive Vibes

This is one of my favorite parts of my own morning ritual. Put on some upbeat, uplifting music or recite some positive affirmations as you are making your bed, taking a shower getting dressed, and eating breakfast. It doesn’t have to take long but will serve you enormously throughout the rest of your day as you stimulate and energize your mind as well as raise your vibrational frequency.

5. Have a To-Do List for the Day

The Power of a Morning Ritual to Energize and Ground You

This is especially helpful during quarantine when our to-do tasks may either seem vague or entirely overwhelming depending on our individual lives. I suggest even creating this list the night before so that you know what you are coming to in the morning and can get straight to it. Make sure you prioritize what needs to be done so that you can tackle the most important things first.

6. Set an Intention

It’s a great idea to set an intention for your day in the morning, that way you get a clear view of how you want your day to feel and also what you want to accomplish or how you want to feel. I recommend doing this right after mediation, that way you are making clear decisions that help your life move positively along the path towards the life that you truly want to live.

7. Do the Mundane Things

In our current quarantined world, living at home can easily mean letting the mundane things you normally do go. Like making your bed, taking a shower, putting on nice clothes that make you feel good, and enjoying a healthy breakfast. All these things are even more important now than ever even if they seem like a waste of time or unnecessary.

But actually, when you take these simple actions in the morning you feel a sense of accomplishment and you set the right tone for your day, meaning you’ll be inspired to accomplish more as you go on. Your life is still important in lockdown, you’d be surprised how good it can make you feel to put on some nice clothes and do your hair, even if it seems unimportant.

Your task – to create a morning ritual that works for you!

Get a notepad and pen and brainstorm all the ways that you could improve your current morning routine. Ask yourself “What can I do to improve how I start my day? Am I feeling grounded, energized and ready in mind, body, and spirit?”

The most important thing is that you create a morning routine that is right for you and your needs. Appreciate your life and see each day as a chance to begin again with a fresh, new perspective and a higher energetic frequency.

Create a positive morning, and you create a positive life!