We are fast approaching the Autumn Equinox, a sacred time halfway through the astrological year, taking place on September 22nd, 2022.

The energy shifts in a new direction at this time, bringing change, evolution, and new growth.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, nature is beginning to release as the trees shed their leaves and the energy becomes more about moving within and letting go as we prepare for the coming winter months.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the energy is more outward-looking as Spring arrives and the flowers blossom and bloom.

Wherever you are on the planet you will feel the shift in energy, whether it calls you to release or to bloom!

The Equinox traditionally is a time when light and dark come into balance and there is very little separation between dimensions.

The energy of the planet also experiences a harmonic raising of vibration during this time.

This time of year is always an amazing opportunity to connect with your psychic abilities, inner wisdom and intuition.

Finding Balance

The Autumn Equinox comes with an important message for us about balance.

The September Equinox is also the beginning of Libra season, the sign of the zodiac represented by the scales and strongly associated with balance, harmony and justice.

I recommend looking within and being honest about where you may have been neglecting things that are important in your life, and readdressing that balance.

For example, if you haven’t been doing your regular meditation or have skipped a few yoga sessions, or if you’ve been very busy and have forgotten to cultivate any kind of quiet time for yourself – this equinox energy is calling you to find that balance again.

One of the best ways to seek balance in your life is to spend more time outdoors in nature.

There is something about being among trees, walking barefoot on the grass or simply listening to bird song, or the rushing of a stream that is so healing and important for us as humans.

If you feel anxious or like you simply don’t have the time to do all the calming, healing activities you would like, try this very easy exercise.

Close your eyes for 5 seconds, and say in your mind as you inhale and exhale normally.

I am breathing in, I am breathing out. I am breathing in, I am breathing out.

That’s it! If you can do it for longer, wonderful.

The point is that all you have to really do is take a few seconds out of your day to connect to peace, stillness and your true self within.

Find Gratitude

Spiritually, the Equinox is also about giving thanks for all that has occurred up to now during the year.

It’s a wonderful time to start a gratitude journal if you don’t already have one, or to write down just three things each day that you are grateful for in your life.

You can also take a moment to examine your progress so far this year.

  • What achievements are you proud of?
  • What goals do you still hope to meet?
  • Are you pursuing work that really brings you joy?
  • Do your most important relationships light you up?

If there is something in your life that you would like to change, it’s a perfect time for you to set some intentions around this Equinox day.

The energy is powerful and will help you to gain clarity on where in your life you wish to expand and where you wish to make any changes.

It’s never too late to make big changes in your life, whether in your thought processes, behavior, relationships, or career.

You can break down any big goals into smaller ones and just take things a day at a time as you grow and evolve!

Ask the Universe to show you any messages, signs or inspiration around your intention and trust that you will receive them in perfect divine timing.

An easy ritual for the Equinox is as follows:

  • Light a candle
  • Give thanks for everything in your life and for the abundance you receive.
  • Declare that you gracefully let go and release anything you no longer wish to have in your life, and create space, physically, emotionally, and spiritually for new blessings.

Happy, healthy and abundant Equinox to you all.