Yes, you read that right. Taurus season is here.

If Aries season was all about rebirth and renewal, Taurus season brings comfort and enjoyment.

It is about finding time to relax and unwind. This runs from April 20 to May 20.

This is a beautiful time to indulge in sensual experiences.

It’s about taking self-care to a whole other level.

After an active Aries season, Taurus comes bearing the energy of pausing, slowing down, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

Take a day off, order your comfort food, and binge-watch your favorite TV show.

You deserve all these and more.

What’s important is you do what makes you happy and unwind in the process.

Here’s what you can expect for each zodiac sign:


It’s all about security for you, Aries.
You may find yourself focusing more on the financial aspects of your life as well as the emotional and spiritual aspects.
You feel like it is the perfect time to give your trust to your partner more.


Happy Birthday, dear Taurus! Enjoy this amazing time to give yourself a break.
Don’t even think about going for new things, now is not the time to put pressure on yourself.
Go for a walk with nature. Find the time to write in your gratitude journal.
These are some of the things you can do.


Don’t be too shocked.
But you will experience a slow down in your social life.
Because this is a time for healing for you.
You have to look inward and assess where you need healing.
You have been going too fast and you have forgotten to take care of yourself.


If other zodiac signs are all about career, healing, and love… yours is rebranding.
Dear Cancer, this Taurus season is a perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you.
Delete your posts online that don’t reflect who you are anymore.
Embrace your true self and the rest will follow.


You might be feeling restless at this point and that’s normal.
All you have to do is shift your energy to the career you love.
Focus on your passion. It’s a good time to apply for your dream job and do work that you love.
Don’t let anything hold you back now, Leo.


It is true that you love routine.
But don’t you want to shake it up a bit? Do something new?
This season calls for traveling.
I know you have been wanting to travel alone and experience life like never before, now is the time to go for it.
Go out there and experience the world with your newfound freedom.


Collaboration is what you should focus on during this season.
Go and find people who share your vision and work on the project you have been thinking about.
This is the time to be productive.
Don’t doubt yourself and believe in your abilities.


Love is in the air for you.
This is the time to turn up the heat!
You will be spending your time more with your significant other and if you are single, you will meet your soulmate and hit it off right away.
You may be scared but don’t be. Go with what makes you happy.


Take care of your health. Remember, that you are not immortal.
Don’t be stressed too much about the things that are happening around you.
During Taurus season, do a self-care ritual like a moon bath and simply do things that relax and soothe your mind and body.


You have been so caught up with work. You deserve to take a break.
Let your inner child run free and guide you to do things that give you joy.
Bond with friends, have a drink or two, gazing at the stars at night, and revel in the beauty of your surroundings.


It’s like spring cleaning for you, dear Aquarius.
It’s all about cleaning your physical space like your home or office.
Declutter and let go of things that you no longer need.
This will also give you more space to add new things.
Out with the old and in with the new!


Your creativity will rise this season.
You will feel more inspired to take on your passion projects.
Whatever it is, go for it. Don’t focus on your worries.
Let your heart lead this time and you will soon enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I hope this message helps you bring out the best in you this Taurus season.

Do you feel already feel the peaceful energy this season brings?