Yes, you read that right.

On December 18, it will be the last full moon of 2021.

This is truly a wonderful moment to end the year positively.

Full moons are magical and beautiful.

They have this certain energy that makes us feel closer to our higher selves.

It is as if, during this time, we become one with the Universe, and we can do anything we set our mind to.

On the last full moon, it is best that before anything else, you reflect on what has passed.

All these months, you have to applaud yourself for making it this far and be grateful for wherever you are now.

Before diving into 2022, let’s harness the energy of the full moon one last time and prepare for prosperity.

Here are some things you can do to make it a full moon to remember.

1. Release and Welcome Closure

The year is about to end, and this full moon is not the time for you to seek new beginnings… well, at least, not yet.

During this time, you have to release all the negative emotions and experiences you are still hanging on to.

This is a time to revel in the beauty of closure. Let what has passed remain in the past and learn from it.

Here’s a short meditation you can do.

  • Light a candle near a place where you can sit comfortably.
  • Sit down and close your eyes.
  • Relive the moments of 2021 and reflect on them.
  • If you’ve ever faced rejection, imagine it as a magical redirection.
  • Change the narrative in your mind.
  • Imagine that you received the abundance you’ve wished for.
  • And allow your meditation to end there.
  • Feel the positive and hopeful feelings surfacing.
  • Tune into that energy.

2. Relax and Unwind

Yes, the year is ending.

But this doesn’t mean that you should accomplish all that you want in one go.

Do not cram and stress yourself.

Let go and let the Universe take action in blessing you for your efforts.

What you need to do during this full moon is relax and unwind.

Here’s how.

  • Don’t overextend your schedule.
  • Stay at home and think about what makes you happy.
  • Read a book, binge-watch your favorite tv show, eat your comfort foods
  • Let this time be a relaxing one.

3. Trust the Porcess

I have already mentioned this before.

Trust the process because you might be thinking that December 18 might be a good time to rush the process.

It is not. Your manifestations are well on their way to you, and rushing them might not be helpful at this point.

You have to trust yourself, your power, and your amazing manifestation capability.

Try this instead.

  • Take out your gratitude journal.
  • Write down every single thing you are grateful for.
  • After writing them, read them one by one.
  • Take a look at the bigger picture and see that you have accomplished great things.
  • Send a thank you message to the Universe.
  • Believe that for now, this is exactly where you are destined to be.
  • And have hope that tomorrow or even next week, an abundance miracle will happen.

Parting Thoughts

Full moons are a time to reflect on what has passed. It is also a time to simply be in the moment.

Cherish the present and believe that 2022 is the year for you.

Whatever will be… will be.