Every day since the coronavirus outbreak, all we see are headlines bringing more bad news.

However, I do believe that what causes our anxiety and stress is not solely because of the virus, but because of the uncertainty that it brings.

And because of this, the more you should tune into a practice of mindfulness.

Here are some ways that you can start being mindful amid uncertain times:

Be Mindful Of The Time You Spend On Social Media

Mindfulness Practice In the Time of Corona

Social media is full of news about the global pandemic. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to consume all the news that you see. Scrolling on social media, even if you don’t intend to read the news, is risky.

Practice mindfulness on how you spend your time online, especially on social media. If you find yourself scared, anxious or triggered with what you see or by simply reading the news, why don’t you allot specific times of the day when you can check your accounts?

It’s essential that you keep yourself up-to-date with the latest news, but you have to be mindful of how much news you consume online. The global pandemic already has a significant effect on our lives, don’t increase the load by feeding your mind with things that are avoidable.

Look Within

When I say look within, I want you to see the opportunities during this time of the pandemic. Instead of focusing too much on the things that you can no longer do, think about this—“What are the things that I can do now?”

Perhaps, you’ll find yourself having more time to fix your garden. Or maybe you now have time to start a hobby that you’ve always wanted to begin with but you were too busy to do back then.

Consider what passions or curiosities that you can explore at this time when you have almost all the time in the world. Use this time to dive deeper into it.

But, don’t force yourself. The health crisis is heavy and we all deserve to take breaks as much as we can for as long as possible. When you have your energy back up (trust me, it will be back sooner than you think!), that’s when you should explore the present opportunities.

Mindfulness Practice In the Time of Corona

So, now here are some mindfulness exercises that you can do during these times:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing – also known as belly breathing, this method helps initiate the body’s relaxation response.
  • Body Scan Meditation – the purpose of this exercise is to be aware of your body in the present moment. Usually, we respond to bodily pain or discomfort is to distract ourselves and try to numb the pain.
  • Making the Mind Happy – in these uncertain times, you can practice envisioning an inner smile spreading through the body. This exercise will help you rest and reset.

Practice more mindfulness at home to help you through these trying times.

Always remember, this, too, shall pass.