Don’t you love it when the Universe works its magic and sends you perfectly timed events that feel miraculous?

Like when you come across an old friend just as you are thinking about them. 💭

Or you find money on the street that just happens to be the exact sum you need to pay for something. 💸

When these kinds of events happen and we reflect on them later on, we feel a sense of deep connection to something greater than ourselves.

We intuitively feel that we are linked to everything and everyone and that this unseen connection is somehow responsible for whatever happened.

What do you think these happenings are? Sheer luck, coincidence or synchronicities from the universe?

I personally think that all of these words basically mean the same thing.

But for many people, luck implies something random that happens without meaning. I believe that we create our own luck and that, in fact, is the same thing as being on the right frequency for certain synchronicities (or luck or coincidence) to flow into our lives.

The difference lies in whether or not you believe life is happening to you without any influence from your own output or vibration.

Let’s look again at the Law of Attraction…

Is it Luck, Coincidence or Synchronicity

Everything is energy. When we focus our thoughts and emotions on what we want, we engineer our future by harnessing that energy.

With our own unique energy frequencies we are constantly sending requests to the universe for things, situations, experiences etc. When your vibration (or energy frequency) matches what you are seeking, you are absolutely destined to collide with it.

When your frequency is the same as the thing you desire, the universe finds a way to give it to you.

When your frequency is off, the universe cannot give it to you, or it will take much longer to arrive.

In short – when you vibrate in sync with the thing that you want, you will receive it.

So, bearing that in mind then, synchronicities or luck must then be a result of you being in perfect harmony aka vibrational frequency/ sync with the thing you are experiencing.

How can you tell when synchronicities are happening to you?

Be on the lookout for what you’re creating in your life.

Notice the signs, symbols, circumstances, people and events that come seemingly right out of the blue at just the right time and be grateful that they are meant for you.

Is it Luck, Coincidence or Synchronicity

I believe an important part of all of this is to remember that we do not always get what we desire in exactly the way we imagine it. It’s one thing to choose to create your reality, and another to recognize that the universe may deliver to you in ways you cannot yet imagine.

There is always an element of the unknown here and that’s the part that we can’t entirely predict. ✨

That’s why I believe that a big part of manifesting is to surrender the hows and whys of your desire to the universe.

For example, you might wish to spend a year living in another country. Perhaps you’ve been working on visualizing how this may come about for you. Maybe you’re focusing on winning a scholarship or manifesting the money you need through a particular avenue.

That’s great, of course, but you must always remember that the universe can deliver your desire to you in ways beyond your imagination!

This is important because sometimes when the coincidences/luck/synchronicities come along, you may not recognize them if you are holding too tightly to your own idea and vision of how your manifestation will occur.

You might ignore the signs and miss an opportunity to go towards your desire in a different way!

There is a difference between desiring and visualizing and forcing something to happen the way that you believe that it should.

When you let go and allow the universe to bring things towards you, you allow for the magic to occur. ⭐️

You have to trust that there is a higher power at work that really wants the best for you.

You have to trust that you’ve done the work through meditation, visualization and positive thinking. The rest is yet to be seen, and how exciting that is!

So whether you want to call it luck, coincidence or synchronicity the way to keep those meaningful events flowing into your life is to align your energy, keep your vibrational frequency high and be aware of the signs that come your way from the universe.

Here’s to more synchronicities unfolding for you! 🥂