On May 7th we welcome the third and last Super Full Moon of the year under the sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio Full Moon is called a Flower Moon because it coincides with the blooming of spring flowers.

Each time a full moon comes around, it marks the culmination of the monthly lunar cycle.
That’s why it’s an ideal time to release anything toxic in your life. Think of each full moon as a giant white light that shines on every toxic thing that you have been holding onto that no longer serves your best interests.

Remember that full moons are associated with endings, transformation, detoxifying, and cleansing. They are full of intense, emotional energy.

When you observe the lunar cycles, you enhance your chances of successfully manifesting your desires. That’s because the moon is a cosmic helping hand that boosts your vibrational output and helps you focus more clearly on what you desire.

The phases of the moon are constant in the Universe, all you have to do is tap into its power and time your manifestation meditations and rituals with the waxing and waning of the moon for best results.

The super full moon in Scorpio intensifies these energies even more.

The Scorpio Full Moon Energy
Scorpio is an intense water sign that’s all about emotions. That said, the full moon can make us extra emotional, sensitive, and susceptible to quick flashes of anger or irritation.

The Scorpio full moon gives us the opportunity to initiate a transformation in our lives. Simply by making new choices and thinking differently, we can kickstart a new phase of our lives. We can shift old patterns and we can release what we don’t want to hold on to, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

I think that’s such uplifting and exciting news at this time! It’s always possible to start again, no matter what.

The Scorpio energy is also deeply intuitive, psychic, and protective. Now is a great time to meditate and tune into our intuition. Ask yourself how you want to continue the next phase of your life and what needs to be released.
During this full moon week, you may experience some intense “aha” moments as the Scorpio energy sheds light on things that may be hidden.

Use the energy of this full moon to wave goodbye to the old and get ready for what’s fresh and new coming into your life.

How to Harness the Energy of this Scorpio Full Moon this week:

Best done between May 5 – May 18

Creative Writing

How To Work With the Energy of the Super Flower Moon

I am a big believer in journaling your thoughts. In my experience, no matter how much you think you understand yourself, nothing beats getting those thoughts down on paper.

So during this full moon, take some time to write down the things that you would like to release. Write for as long and as much as you want, get it all out, I promise, you will feel lighter afterward.

Consider the following prompts to help you if you’re feeling stuck.

Be honest about what you have been pushing away mentally.

  • What aspects of yourself have been ignored lately?
  • What needs your attention? Is it your exercise routine? Your relationships? Your authentic career path?
  • What can you do to love yourself more?
  • What things remain unhealed from your past?
  • How can you show up for yourself more?
  • If you could voice your hidden fears, what would they be?


During the full moon, committing to a regular meditation practice can help you feel more grounded, connected, and in tune with your inner self.

I recommend spending just a few minutes each day this week in silent meditation. Try to listen to anything that comes up from within during this time. Any words, thoughts, instincts or feelings that you may want to act upon or bring to the forefront for release.

Cleanse your Space

Hygiene and hand-washing are as important as cleansing your aura. Now is a wonderful time to declutter, spring-clean, and burn space-clearing tools like palo santo and sage, or use some essential oils to refresh your living space.

Feel your Feelings

How To Work With the Energy of the Super Flower Moon

This is a hard one for some people! It’s tempting to push away negativity and replace it with positivity, which sounds great, but it is not always the way to completely heal. The thing is, the more you allow yourself to feel what you do without judgment, the better you can accept them and heal.

Scorpio moon energy is about our emotions, feelings, and thoughts being drawn up and out of us. If you allow this process to occur gracefully, it will be a lot easier to move into a new phase of positivity. Clinging and resisting our own feelings only prolongs their power. So let your feelings be felt, sit with them, understand them and then allow them to pass. And when they do you will feel stronger, more empowered, and ready to take on the world.

On the night of the Full Moon, allow yourself to find peace and beauty in endings and transformation and make space for new beginnings.

Light a candle, read your journal notes, and do whatever feels right to you. Dance, sing, meditate, take a bath, do anything that helps you mark the occasion of the release, and make way for the new. At the next new moon, you can focus on your manifestations and you will have made room for them by releasing what you no longer need in this Scorpio full moon.