Angel meditation is a powerful method for us to connect with our higher selves and the higher beings known as angels.

It brings our vibration into alignment with the angels, allowing us to receive guidance and healing from them.

Angel meditation can be used to help us move through difficult life circumstances and close the gap between this physical reality and the spiritual realm.

If you are looking for a way to bring more peace and joy into your life, angel meditation can provide an opportunity for powerful transformation throughout all aspects of your being.

If you’ve never tried angel meditation, well I am going to help you out.

The first time I did it, I thought nothing was happening.

I sat still for so long and it was all quiet. I didn’t feel anything or any magical happening took place.

From the moment we opened our eyes and drew our first breath, our angels have been there.

Through every up and down, they have stood firm and loving beside us.

No matter what hardships arise or what joys might unfold, we can trust in the presence of these heavenly companions who continually remind us we are not alone on this earthly journey.

So, today let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on the love of these devoted angels – knowing that at this very moment, they still remain by our side.

This meditation I’m about to share with you will help you connect with your angel.

1. Get comfortable. You can sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, or you can lie down. If you choose to sit, make sure your back is straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

2. Visualize a white light. Imagine a bright white light shining down from above. The light surrounds you and fills you with a sense of peace and calm.

3. Call on your angel. In your mind, call out to your angel. Ask for their guidance and protection.

4. Listen for guidance. Once you have called on your angel, be open to any guidance or messages they may have for you. You may hear them speaking to you directly, or you may receive guidance through your intuition or thoughts.

5. Thank your angel. When you are finished receiving guidance from your angel, thank them for their help.

So the next time you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or just want to connect with your angels, give angel meditation a try.

It’s an incredibly helpful and calming practice that everyone can benefit from.

And who knows – you might just find yourself feeling more connected to the world and those around you.

Will you be trying it?