What a time to be alive.

This year, we will be experiencing an even spookier Friday the 13th. Not only it is a Friday the 13th but a full harvest moon will grace us with its presence.

To add to that, it is a rare occurrence for a full moon to show exactly on a Friday the 13th — and a full harvest moon at that. The next full moon that will appear on a Friday the 13th will be on May 2033.

It doesn’t end there, though. The full harvest moon is also classified as a micromoon, which is an unusually small full moon.

This is because, on the 13th, the moon will reach its apogee, which is the farthest point in its orbit around earth. It is 14% smaller to people here on Earth and the complete opposite of the supermoon when the moon is closest to earth.

What Is The Harvest Moon?

manifestation magicWhat sets the harvest moon apart from other full moons that we experience is that it gives more light. It will also show up in the sky almost the same time for a number of nights.

The name “harvest” was derived during the harvest season when crops ripen all at once that keep farmers busy. During this time, farmers have to work even after sundown to harvest their crops, thus, the moonlight serves as a guide for the farmers while they gather their crops.

It is also seen as a celebration of past efforts — a culmination of the past year. As it falls close to the autumn equinox, the moon creates abundance while change is felt through the crisp autumn air. Enjoy the fruits of your past labors during this time and become one with your intentions.

It’s the Perfect Time for Manifestation

Full moons and new moons are perfect times for manifestations. The same applies to the upcoming full harvest moon.

So now is the perfect time to set your intentions out there in the universe. Take advantage of this moon to manifest your desires into your reality.

On the other hand, if you’ve already set your intentions out there and did the work, it’s time to harvest the results.

Use the energy of the full moon to reap what you sow!

During this time, it’s important that you practice patience and kindness to yourself and others. This is a time of high energy and high power. Thus, full moons are always an ideal time for manifestation.

Here’s an easy guide to help you manifest under the power of the full harvest moon:

  • Close your eyes and focus on your desires.
  • Identify the ways that you do in your daily life that can help you get what you want. Identify the things that you need to let go of that will bring you closer to your desires.
  • Write down all the negativities in your life that hinder you from aligning with your highest self.
  • Burn the piece of paper.
  • Take deep breaths. Inhale the positivity and exhale the negativity.

You may meditate as long as you want under the full moon, just simply inhaling the positivity and exhaling the negativity.

Your Harvest Moon Rituals

Ride the energies of the upcoming full harvest moon, let these rituals help you reach your higher self and have a more positive outlook.

Let Go

The full moon is a great time to let go of things that are no longer serving you. Lay down your burdens and release that negative energy. The energy of this month’s full moon will be a great help.

Before you do a full moon letting go ritual, light a candle (whatever candle you have) and send a thank you to the universe.

Next, write down your burdens. When you’re done, read them out loud, take a deep breath, and let go of them. Imagine your burdens leavings your body as you exhale.

Burn the paper and put it in a bowl-filled of water. For best practice, do this under the light of the full moon and in a sacred space. You can also use sage to smudge your aura before you do the ritual.

Here’s another way to free yourself of negativity:

  1. Carry a blank paper with you on the day of the full moon.
  2. Throughout the day, you’ll have thoughts of negativities. Write them down on your piece of paper.
  3. At night, when you see the full moon rising, head outside and light a white or silver candle.
  4. Place the lit candle in front of you and burn the paper you brought with you the entire day that is now filled with all the negativities.
  5. As the paper catches fire, imagine it burning away each negativity that you’ve written down on that piece of paper. Feel it leaving your life.
  6. Once the paper turns into ashes, feel the earth grounding you to a life that is no longer attached to those negativities.


Clear Your Energy

Just like with letting go of your burdens, the full harvest moon is also a great time to clear your energy.

Do a cleanse, take out your sage, light it up, and use it to cleanse your aura.

Write Your Future Self a Letter

manifestation magicUsing the light of the moon, write a letter to your future self. Think about what you want to manifest and write as if you already have the things that you desire.

This ritual can also help you dream more. It will help you focus more on the things that you want. When you have more focus, the higher the chances of you getting those dreams instantly.

Fold it up and leave it on your windowsill where it can bask in the light of the moon. Let the letter get charged with the energy of the full harvest moon.


Organize a Group Harvest Moon Manifestation

Why is this a good time to have a group get-together? It’s because the energies of many are more powerful compared to one energy.

Use the group’s energies to harness the full harvest moon’s energy. You can also attend a group meditation class during this time.

Remember, the Harvest Moon is a time to reap what you sow. Thus, whatever you’ve been manifesting is going to come in.

And while you bask in the abundance that this full moon will bring, it’s also a great time to set your intentions for the coming months.

Indeed, this is such a powerful time.