Welcome to the season of balance!

September 22nd marked the Equinox and led us right into the start of Libra season — which is also the midway point through the astrological year.

The Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere is the beginning of fall, and in the Southern Hemisphere, it marks the beginning of Spring.

The Equinox is the time when the sun passes the equator moving from the northern to the southern hemisphere, and the hours of light and dark are the same.

It marks a shift in seasons and signals a change in energy reflected on Earth.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we will have shorter days and longer nights.

The energy of transformation is in the air; as the trees lose their leaves, the seasons urge us to look within and slow down.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the energy is moving outwards as Spring arrives, and things blossom and bloom.

But no matter where you are on Earth and the seasons in your country, this cosmic equinox energy presents us with a balance between night and day thatleads us into Libra season with a focus on balance, partnership, justice, and harmony.

As we enter this season, it’s the ideal time to create more balance and harmony in our lives and to look at where any imbalances are revealing themselves to you.

You can tap into the traditionally mystical energy of the Equinox to connect deeply to your intuition and inner wisdom, harness your psychic abilities, and even activate your third eye.

It is said that during this time, the veil between dimensions is very thin at this time and that is why the energy provides the perfect circumstances for using your inner power.

So, how can you use the energy of Mother Earth and the Solar System to balance your energy centers?

How can you make sure you are flowing with nature, moving in rhythm with the Universe, and creating a beautiful and balanced environment in your life that resonates with your soul?

I am aware that ‘balance’ can seem like an overused work to solve your problems, from eating a balanced diet to finding the right work/play balance.

A kind of idealistic state of equilibrium which to many people might just seem intangible and unrealistic.

How Do You Create Balance When it Feels Unattainable?

The first step is to DEFINE WHAT BALANCE MEANS for you.

Think about and write down what a balanced life looks like for you.

Balance can mean very different things for all of us.

Personally, balance is created when I am focused on my priorities and feeling calm and committed to my mind, body, and spirit.

So I will do all that I can each day to ensure that I am focusing my time where I genuinely want to and getting rid of any habits or toxic patterns that stop me from directing my energy in a positive way.

If I realize that I am not spending enough time on my priorities, I sit down and figureout exactly how I can change that.

I make sure my priorities are receiving the allocated time and energy I want to give them. Even if that seems impossible!

I have learned that unless I check in with myself, it’s all too easy for things to get way out of balance very fast.

For example, it’s fine to miss one regular day of your mediation or a trip to the gym, but when those days add up to a week, and then two weeks or more, suddenly you are someone who no longer does those things.

You let the balance slide, and it becomes much harder to restore it.

You can use these questions as prompts to find what balance means for you.

Are you spending your days focused on the things that light you up?

Are you able to channel your energy towards your passion and purpose?

Do you feel healthy physically, and are you getting the right nutrients?

Do you spend quality time with people who bring joy?

Do you carve out time to simply be still and quiet?

Do you spend regular time outside in nature?

If you could design your perfect day, what would it include?

I suggest you give these questions some thought and get clarity on what balance means for you and how you can create more of it in your life.

The next step is to simply realize the benefit of small actions each day adding up to cumulative, overall change.

You don’t have to rehaul your life completely overnight, you simply need to add in more things that cultivate the balance you desire.

For example, you want to be healthier – just start adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet each day.

You want to spend more time working on your creative projects — just do ten minutes a day (you will find if you do this, you end up creating more and more time for what you love doing).

You want to spend more time with friends or family who make you laugh — organize a set time each week for coffee or a phone date and focus purely on the joy of being with that person.

Just do what you can each day to include something that makes you feel good on a SOUL level.

I promise that the more you do this, the more you will strengthen your self-confidence and self-love, and realize that the power to live life on your terms is within you!

You need nothing outside of yourself to be truly happy.

Balance is attainable, it’s simply a matter of being committed to the vision you have for yourself.

Take advantage of the planetary energies this season and find that balance in your life.