When it comes to alternative wellness and energy healing I know there’s a fine line to tread between being open minded and wanting a little scientific evidence to back things up. That’s honestly what I love about studying the mysteries of the Universe, I enjoy the challenge of finding ways to respond to those raised eyebrows. I know many people don’t need facts and scientific proof in order to enjoy the benefits of alternative healing treatments like Reiki, but for those a little more skeptical, I have done some research and gathered evidence which I believe demystifies the magic of Reiki and grounds it in more of a scientific reality.

Let’s face it, the scientific community has been historically slow to regard alternative therapies such as Reiki, acupuncture or even osteopathy as legitimate treatments. Does that mean they are not beneficial? No, absolutely not. It just means that the science has not yet caught up with these methods of healing. That could be due to many reasons, such as the New Age stigma attached to the abstract nature of energy based healing or a lack of research because of that same stigma.

To believe in the benefits of the ancient Japanese energy healing technique, Reiki, you first need to understand the idea of a Universal life force that exists in and around everything. This energy is the essence of life, and it flows through all of us. It is what is known as qi (or chi) in Eastern medicine. The intent of Eastern medicine is to balance that qi in order to reach a state of optimum physical and emotional health.

In the practice of Reiki, the Reiki healer connects to this life energy through non-intrusive hands-on healing that harmonises any imbalances in the mind and emotions as well as the physical body. Reiki practitioners channel this energy and promote healing by placing their hands in specific positions over the body.

So where does the spiritual realm meet the science?

Through quantum physics we understand that energy and matter are interchangeable, this is what Albert Einstein showed us this with his famous equation of E= mc2.

The equation put simply, means that energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light. Atomic energy vibrates at different rates. In other words, we know that everything in the known universe is energy vibrating and oscillating at different specific frequencies. Even solid matter is in fact a form of illusion because what we perceive as solid is also moving energy.

You can think of it in terms of frequency, just like tuning to a radio station. We are limited to our five basic senses, only capable of perceiving a tiny fraction of these vibrating particles, but science tells us there are many frequencies far beyond our small sphere of perception.

The atoms that make up our physical bodies are no exception, just like everything else they are also vibrating at a certain frequency. We have our own biomagnetic field, energy that like all other energy, can be channeled and manipulated.

Biology explains that our cells communicate with one another through tiny impulses. These are called biophotons (meaning biological light), little sparks of conscious energy that we carry in our bodies. These little light impulses or biophotons are what allow all cells to communicate with each other. They travel through our bodies within the myofascial system like an immense energetic highway.

These impulses are literally carrying the building blocks of life within them. This energy is light and it’s always moving both within and around our bodies, but of course we cannot perceive these different vibrations of energy with our limited senses.

Do you know what is pretty mind blowing about these biophotons? They were successfully photographed in a single drop of water in 2006. Of course the photography had to be done with a somatoscope with a magnification of 30000x. Researchers discovered that at the center of a single biophoton, within this spark of light was a six-pointed star. The bio-photon went through a series of changes, going from black to white, to black to white and then to a star within a star.

Isn’t it amazing that the six-pointed star is such a sacred symbol in our culture, going back for centuries? This hexagon shape is the very essence of life. What ancient information might we have lost sight of over the centuries that our ancestors knew more about? Hundreds and hundreds of years of spiritual teachings are now being backed up by scientific theory that all things in the universe are connected.

We know that energy in the form of light is moving throughout our physical body and electromagnetic fields all the time. This light energy is everywhere and within everything, always vibrating and oscillating at different frequencies and not perceptible to us.

So how does this all relate to Reiki? Reiki uses that light energy to balance and cleanse both the physical matter of the body and also the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds and flows within it.

Reiki practitioners act as a channel for this conscious energy, and with loving intention allow it to flow and be absorbed where the individual most needs it. The flow of Reiki energy brings balance and equilibrium, assisting with a huge range of symptoms from anxiety, stress and depression to specific pain, conditions, mental fatigue, overwhelm and healing past traumas.

Receiving Reiki healing is a purely positive experience as the practitioner does not influence where the energy goes or what it does, the energy always operates according to its own laws and will balance and heal where the individual needs it most.

Having a reiki treatment is relaxing and soothing, people report feeling incredibly relaxed and calm afterwards. Many people also feel a tingling sensation, mild goose bumps and/ or a sense of glowing warmth as they experience the energy healing. This is the result of the energy as it flows through and around you.

In recent years more and more studies have taken place with regard to the beneficial effects of Reiki on patients health and the holistic therapy seems to be gaining respect within the medical community. In the United Kingdom, Reiki treatments are now recognized within the National Health System. A study in 2014 showed that Reiki could help with depression and anxiety. Reiki has proven helpful in controlling the side effects of cancer, helping people to cope better with the disease.

It seems that at the very least, modern medicine is prepared to accept that the Reiki technique is capable of stimulating and supporting healing. Some conclusions have been drawn that this is simply down to patients receiving one on one care, and benefiting from that unique touch.

One thing is for certain, Reiki induces a state of deep relaxation similar to meditation. It took science a while to take meditation seriously, but now brain studies clearly show the physiological effects of quieting the mind regularly.

I believe there is so much more to be learned about the benefits of Reiki energy healing and that one day it will forever leave the skeptics behind. Our infinite Universe is full of mystery and yet we are an integral part of that mystery. Our own energy, positive thoughts and intentions are reflected back to us through the world around us.

Above all I have experienced that Reiki can bring great peace, deep connection and a faith in oneself. Even if science cannot make definite conclusions, as far as I am concerned, taking that time to connect and open your mind to energy healing is highly productive.

After all, if you want to be able to hear the language of the Universe, you don’t need a science degree, you just need an open mind, a loving heart and a desire to look beyond the ordinary world to all the magic beyond.