What kind of energy are you giving off as we head into the Gemini Full Moon on December 18th?

This is the last Full Moon of 2021, falling at 27 degrees of Gemini directly opposite the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is the heart of our Universe, it sits at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

It is home to the most powerful, magical energy and is a sacred point in the sky.

This Full Moon is going to be charged with potent energy, perfect for boosting your manifestations.

Are you clear on what exactly you want to focus on creating more of in your life?

If you’re like most people, I am sure that the topic of money is never far from your mind.

Let’s be honest, it occupies a huge amount of space in most people’s brains.

The vast majority of us would like more financial abundance.

We’d love to go into next year without the ongoing anxiety of making our rent each month.

I’m sure we’d all love to have enough money to buy that dream house or take that paradise vacation finally.

To send our kids to the college of their choice and know that we can afford it.

To splash out on the things we love or invest in ourselves with organic food, high-quality beauty products, and self-improvement courses.

Having financial abundance means having the resources to live your life how you choose. It’s a wonderful thing!

Do you want to know how to make sure you are vibrating on the high energy frequency of abundance?

This Full Moon gives you the chance to readjust your frequency.

Every time there is a Full Moon, something tends to be drawn to the surface in our lives.

As the culmination of the lunar cycle, there is usually a peak that occurs.

Following on from the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius that took place on December 4th, this Full Moon points to further illumination. The uncovering of dark into light.

Jupiter is also active at this time, bringing a positive, abundant, and expansive energy.

It allows us to open our eyes to what needs to change, and recalibrate our frequency to higher levels.

We may experience a clarity of vision, a new way of looking at things, and feel charged with positive energy to take action and make changes.

It’s the perfect time to shift your vibration around abundance.

We know that needy energy repels money. When you are worried about your bank account, you only bring in more things to worry about.

What you worry about, you set in motion.

You direct your energy towards the negative instead of the positive.

Feelings of neediness, panic, and desperation do nothing to help your abundance.

Being needy means you are operating from a place of lack — and guess what the energy of lack brings? More lack.

Use this powerful Full Moon energy to change that energy now.

You don’t have to focus on all the material things you want to bring into your life.

You simply need to create a sense of peace. Why?

Because the person who feels a sense of peace in the world vibrates on the frequency of calm, secure confidence. And that person always gets what they need.

I want you to make a list right now of all the things that you could do to bring more peace into your life.

My list goes something like this:

  • Get outside into the morning sunlight and just breathe.
  • Stop checking social media.
  • Drink more herbal tea.
  • Be present in every conversation.
  • Treat each interaction as sacred.
  • Be in nature every day.
  • Listen to calming music.
  • Treat me and my body with deep reverence.

See how nothing on my list has to do with manifesting a Ferrari or a mansion?!

I promise you, starting with yourself is the way to shift your frequency into abundance.

When you care about your body, mind, and spirit, you cultivate a deep sense of confidence and clarity about your life.

It is from that energetic standpoint that you can manifest anything you want.

You need to treat yourself holistically. The person who creates what they want to see in their reality is healthy on all levels.

You must start from the beginning, and the beginning is you and your health.

When you bring your focus back to yourself — you create the beautiful energy of peace, and that, in turn, will attract your desires to you.

You completely eradicate that needy energy of lack.

When you are calm, content, grateful and peaceful, you detach from the ‘need’ of money and things.

And of course, that is when the Universe finally delivers the things you want.

You have stopped putting up obstacles in your way.

You have dissolved the negative energy you had around money worries.

I know it’s not easy to create peace when you are rightfully concerned about paying a bill or making ends meet.

BUT even if you manage just an hour out of your day to return to peace, you will shift the energy in a positive direction.

So remember, this Full Moon in Gemini comes to help you with magical, powerful energy.

You don’t have to worry about anything except finding a sense of peace.

I feel light and calm. I am still. I feel at peace with everything that surrounds me.

Every breath I take fills me with peace.

I am grateful for my life in this beautiful, abundant Universe.

I love and accept myself.