The full moon is such a magical time and can be so helpful when it comes to manifesting your dreams.

Its bright energy and illumination directly support the process of envisioning, setting intentions, and making moves toward desired outcomes.

As it gets closer and its presence becomes stronger, you might even feel changes that come with it in your own energy.

Working with the full moon’s energy is like having a compass or an alley — it offers support to any type of ambition or goal.

From creative endeavors to healing behaviors and thought patterns, manifesting through the light of the full moon can help us bring our intentions into reality.

I know we’ve been talking about full moon rituals.

And I think it’s about time you create your own.

Creating your own full moon ritual is a great way to make the most of this unique phenomenon.

It’s an opportunity for you to take time out and reflect on your life, intentions, goals, and motivations – setting yourself up for further success!

Experiment with activities like vision boarding, sound meditation, yoga, or even simple walks that focus heavily on breath work.

As you explore the elements that make these rituals so meaningful for you, remember to allow yourself the space to get creative and truly connect with the power of nature.

I want to help you create one so let’s start with the basics.

  • You have to know when the next full moon is. The last full moon of 2022 will take place on December 7, 2022, and it will be a lovely one.
  • Think about what you want to happen. Do you want to set an intention? Do you want to fill your life with gratitude? Do you want to manifest your desires?
  • Prepare a pen, paper, water, a cup, and things that matter to you.

Now, onto the ritual.

Once you have made up your mind on what to do… it’s time to write them down.

If you are looking to manifest your desires, it is essential to make a list of everything you want to turn into reality.

After making a list, choose a space in your home and fill it with things that matter to you and stuff that symbolizes your desire.

On the night of the full moon, there is a special kind of energy that lingers in the air as the moon shines.

It’s the perfect opportunity for you to take a step away from your daily routine and reconnect with your highest desires.

Take some time to honor yourself using the altar you created – use meaningful items that make you feel connected – and spend a few moments in front of it.

In those moments, let go of all worry and expectations, and come back to the center.

Simply put, don’t focus on what you don’t have…check in with how grateful you are for all that life has already given you.

See your desire fulfilled with each passing moment and watch it magically come alive before your own eyes!

You can do this anytime you want to feel connected to the moon and to your desire.

The more that you do this, the closer your manifestations will turn into reality.

What will you be doing this coming full moon?