The law of attraction seems like the easiest way to get what you want.

All you need is that intense focus on what you want to get your desires.

We all have different ways of performing the law of attraction.

Some meditate.

Others use different manifestation techniques.

While some also use manifestation tools such as crystals, candles, music, etc.

There are a lot of success stories about the law of attraction.

People raving about how it has helped them achieve their desires, how it helped them get the relationship that they’ve been dreaming of, how it helped them reach success, and so on…

As much as these stories are inspiring, there is another side to the story…

There are also some stories about the law not working for them at all.


Here are some common mistakes you might be making while trying out the Law of Attraction.

1. You Starting with a Big Goal

There’s nothing wrong with big goals, but in manifesting them, you have to test the waters first.

When you start your manifestation with huge goals and they don’t turn into reality immediately, you will be disappointed.

And this disappointment might lead to you becoming discouraged in continuing your manifestation journey.

You should begin your journey instead with small manifestations.

Like manifesting a good day or positive signs from the universe to guide you.

And then when they do happen, move to your other desires.

2. You are Unclear about What You Want

For this one, you are not alone. You’d be astonished at how many of us have no idea what we want in life.

It’s impossible to expect the Universe to fulfill your desires when you don’t know what they are.

When you jump from one desire to another, you create confusion.

In this way, you create the idea that you’re not especially committed to any one thing, and without commitment and devotion, you’re not going to materialize your desires.

When you don’t put your heart and soul into what you want, the Universe feels it.

3. You Believe You’re a Victim

This mentality will get you nowhere if you have this.

Sometimes when we’ve experienced so many hardships in life, we can’t help but feel like we’re victims of life, we’re victims of the circumstances that’s been given to us. This is normal at first.

But if this is the mindset that you think will lead you to a better life…

I’m sorry, but it won’t. When you’re using the Law of Attraction, you have to radiate the energy of positivity and assertiveness.

Stop blaming the unfortunate setbacks you’ve gone through and believe in yourself.

Believe in your ability to rise above them all. You have the power.

These are just some of the common Law of Attraction mistakes that might be holding you back from the life you deserve.

Which one are you willing to unlearn today?