If you want to change your life and truly exist on a higher vibrational frequency, you’ve got to shift your beliefs.

You’ve got to change your mindset.

You’ve got to become aware of your thoughts, and your self talk.

You cannot create the abundance you desire from your current standpoint. You just can’t.

If you are operating from a place of ‘not having enough’ and feeling worried about money, or relationships, or health – you simply cannot attract any kind of shift in those situations. Not until you change your mindset around them.

But so what, right?

What does that mean for you? What can YOU actually do to change your mindset?

I understand. You hear these things and you say, “okay, fine but what am I supposed to do?

I find it hard to get motivated / I don’t feel confident / I can’t stop worrying / I want X so so badly, but I just can’t seem to get out of the rut I am in.”

Whatever the specifics are for you, they will vary from person to person of course, but the basic problem is always a feeling of being stuck in old ways.

Entrenched in thoughts, unable to see a way out or through what appears to be your reality.

Let me explain something to you about how mindset works.

Research has shown that motivation actually comes from action. Confidence comes from action.

Consistent action creates the mindset changes you are seeking.

So of course, you can’t just sit around doing the same things day after day and expect your mind to suddenly shift into a new frequency of motivation.

It doesn’t come down out of the sky like that.

The Universe is utterly benevolent.

If you are transmitting a vibrational frequency that says “I am worried, I can’t do this. I will never change.”

The Universe hears you and says: Oh you want proof of that?

Ok here you go. More things to worry about.

More things to make you feel you can’t do this, more reasons to support your belief that you cannot change.

The Universe doesn’t know that’s not what you actually want.

It hears and responds to your energetic vibration!

So in order to transmit on a new, higher energetic frequency you have to first take action.

So you don’t have to feel motivated and confident before you do that thing you really want to do.

Believing that you need to feel motivated first is just an excuse for remaining in your comfort zone and not stepping into your true self.

You could be waiting forever for that elusive thing called motivation to strike you!

The first step is to take action and just try something new.

So let’s say that you want to feel better about yourself physically but you’ve been feeling totally unmotivated to exercise or eat better.

You don’t even want to organize your closet, or take any kind of action towards self-care.

You feel fed up and stuck in a rut of feeling down about your appearance.

Clearly, waiting around for motivation is not going to work.

You have to decide to take action, however tiny the step.

Just try something, anything! The willingness to change comes before motivation.

With the example above it could be the simplest things:

  • Go for a 20 minute walk with a friend.
  • Take a relaxing bubble bath.
  • Throw out one item of clothing that doesn’t feel like YOU.
  • Drink a big glass of water.
  • Buy some vegetables to make dinner.
  • Make an appointment for a massage or a haircut.
  • Do ten jumping jacks.

Starting small with a tiny action step will show you that it wasn’t so bad after all!

The more you try to take small steps to get out of your rut, the more clarity you will get about what you are doing and why, and the more confidence you will have about yourself.

Of course motivation makes taking action much easier, but you can’t wait for it to arrive.

You have to take action anyway, and the more action you take, the more motivated you will feel to continue taking action.

Once you do that consistently for a while, you will be working to strengthen the new frequency that you are vibrating on.

Then the Law of Attraction gets to work.

The more you vibrate higher on the frequency of taking action, the more the Universe responds with thoughts, feelings, and situations that match that frequency.

It might deliver new ideas, inspiration or even opportunities to you.

It then becomes easier to keep your momentum because you have the support from the Universe, and you will feel that and notice it showing up in your life.

All it takes is a subtle shift in your behavior.

One step towards something that is good for you. Something that takes you closer to your dreams.

Remember, you are in control of your life.

Whatever you desire to do, it’s within your power to do it.

You don’t need motivation. All you need to do is make the decision to change something small.

Of course, it would all be much easier if there was a magic wand we could wave and just change our mindset immediately.

The reality for most people is that small, incremental and consistent changes are what will lead to big changes.

One last tip: Imagine yourself a few months from now living a life where your action has paid off. Where you are living your goals and desires.

How does that version of yourself feel? How do they behave?

What changes have they made and what are they passionate about each day?

The more you create an image of the person you are becoming in as much detail as possible, the easier it will be to keep on track.

The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday!