by Alexander J. Wilson | Mar 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
We have a special gift for you 🙂 We’ve prepared a special 19-minute audio MP3 that “reprograms” your brain for wealth. It removes your subconscious money blocks, and installs abundant thought patterns into your brain. In short,...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Feb 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Money 💵 is the most common reason why people get into manifestation. And if money is your motivation but you’re doubtful if it’s possible to manifest money, then you’re on the right page. I’ll go more in-depth about manifesting wealth and one technique that...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Jan 3, 2020 | Personal Development, Uncategorized
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for… 2019 is finally over. You might feel worn-out, battered and bruised after last year, and one could hardly blame you. It was a year of massive upheaval and uncertainty. A year that was challenging and intense (at best)...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Nov 5, 2019 | Personal Development, Uncategorized
Seriously — you ROCK. That’s why we’ve arranged for you to receive a FREE Hypnosis audio MP3, to help you in being the very best version of yourself. All you have to do is click to download. What would you MOST like to change in your life, right now?...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 11, 2019 | Personal Development, Uncategorized
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” This is a line from the inaugural speech of President Franklin D. Roosevelt given on March 4, 1933. Although the great man wasn’t talking about phobias, there is a distinctive ring of truth in his words. Fear is, by its...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Mar 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’ve received this letter from a reader. It’s her story, not mine, although I stand behind it 100%. This is also the first time when I share an mail because there is so much wisdom and beauty in what I’m about to show you. So what is this all about? Alice is a woman...