Do you want to know how to have the most abundant year yet?
Would you like to make 2022 the year you master the Law of Attraction?
Do you long to feel in control of your own vibrational frequency and match it to all the things you dream of manifesting?
If you are reading this and you already feel like that seems impossible or something that only other people get to do — please don’t give up!
Read on, because I’m going to tell you exactly how to create lasting change in your life.
You have the power to find and feel your way into a higher vibration.
Every single thing that you desire, whether it’s to lose weight, fall in love, live by the beach, triple your income, clear up a health issue — whatever it is You and only you have the power to create it.
Everything that you desire is simply a decision, and a committed action away.
What does that mean? Well, it means that you have to do more than simply wish for what you desire.
You have to be committed to change.
Maybe you have a vision board, maybe you write affirmations, maybe you have some crystals lined up on your window — but how effective are those things to you really?
Are you returning daily to your vision board?
Do you check it enough to tune into what it represents, and do you update it to match your shifting desires and manifestations?
Do your affirmations resonate with you on a daily basis?
Are they actually helping you to shift your brain patterns or self-talk to be more positive?
The point that I am making is that these things are only effective if they are integrated into your life in a way that creates positive shifts.
It’s one thing to make a vision board and knows that you have one somewhere that you occasionally look at, but if you’re not connecting with it emotionally on a daily basis, it’s simply not effective for you.
The same goes for affirmations.
Anyone can write down some nice-sounding sentences on a piece of paper and repeat them a few times — the trick is to really embody their meaning and, most of all, to believe what they say!
I want you to understand that it’s not enough to go through the motions of positive things — you have to be disciplined to follow through and create change in your life with action.
For example, holding a citrine crystal when you meditate on its own is not going to magically change your life and bring you happiness and abundance.
You have to make a commitment to change your actions, thoughts, and behaviors — then the high frequencies of the crystal will enhance your already raised vibration — acting as a spiritual tool to assist you.
Consider this — you wouldn’t actually lose any weight if all you did was write a list of healthy foods that you knew you should eat, or if you simply watched a workout video.
The way to lose weight is to take consistent action towards exercising more and changing your diet.
The same goes for raising your vibration and manifesting your desires.
I am not saying you should think of it as hard work, but it certainly requires discipline, focus, and action.
You cannot create anything new in your life if you keep doing the same things over and over again.
Sometimes, short-term discomfort is necessary for long-term gain.
By discomfort, I mean, moving outside of the familiar, comfortable zone you normally live in.
So, if you want to quadruple your income in 2022 — you have to take some different action than you did in 2021.
You need a game plan and you need to take steps towards creating what you want.
Likewise, if you want to change your health, you have to do something different and do it every day.
Of course, you have to also BELIEVE that you are capable of change.
I believe there are two ways to approach this.
1. Planning with lists, daily actions, and accomplishments.
2. Daily work on shifting your mental patterns and beliefs.
The first requires you to be focused and committed to following a plan that works for you.
The second requires you to get very good at listening to your inner dialogue and discerning where you need to let go of any old thought patterns.
There are plenty of books and online tools out there to help you with physical planning and scheduling.
My advice would be to pick a method that resonates for you, is realistic for you, and try to stick to it for at least 21 days.
The mental work is something you may well be healing and processing for a long time.
One of the quickest ways to kick-start changes in your thought processes is to get very clear on your outdated beliefs.
Let’s say you want to create more income and time freedom in 2022. Do you believe that is possible?
You have to shift your usual assumptions about your life in order to experience a new reality.
If you think that you will never have enough time or money -guess what? You never will.
But what if you started to assume that time and money would come easily to you?
That in fact, the more you did, the more time you seemed to have.
The more fun you had creating your life, the more income flowed to you.
When you shift your assumptions about your life, and commit to them through your thoughts, beliefs, and actions — your reality will reflect those changes.
I’m going to conclude this blog with one thought for you:
“Do you worry about not having the things you already know are yours?”
No, right? Because they are already yours.
You don’t need to worry about them.
I’m referring to things you take for granted — your innate skills and talents, your home, family, the food and water you have access to.
Anything in your life you assume will be there in the morning (Of course, life is uncertain, but there are always things you just assume are yours).
So try to take the attitude that the desires you want are already yours.
Try to feel what that feels like in your body. It is done!
You only need to match those desires by raising your vibrational frequency to theirs.
You do this through your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
So go forth and create the life you dream of in 2022!