Imagine that you’re waking up in the night’s middle to drink a glass of water.

You look at the watch.

It is 2:22 AM. You shrug and then forget all about it. In the morning you receive a phone call from a number that ends in 222. You don’t know the number but you promise to come back to it later.

You’re driving to work and you park your car in a nearby car parking. The parking spot is 222. You felt like this is not a coincidence and if you’re spiritually enlighten; you know the universe is trying to transmit you something.

They call these angel number sequences. These are numbers that if they appear again and again in any day, they’re signs from the universe and gentle nudges on what you should do. Some signal you’re on the right path while others signal you’re in danger and that you need to pay attention.

It is the universe’s way of communicating with you.

The basic rule here is simple. If you see a number just once, then it likely doesn’t mean much. If you see a number again and again, then it is a sign from the universe. And while it can be statistically possible, it’s almost impossible to see something like 333 several times through the day, at random.

The angel numbers are usually made of three repeating digits, with three exceptions. What I’ll show you now are the main ones, as the study of angel sequences is far more complex and there are countless examples.

These are:

000, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999

The “special” ones are 911, 11:11 (or 1111) or 12:12 (1212).

What do they mean?

Well, each angel number has a definition of its own. Let’s delve deeper into the topic and analyze the meaning and significance of each sequence, shall we?


Your energy in every moment impacts what you’re creating. You should open your heart, elevate your vibration and focus on what you desire. It is a basic reminder of the law of attraction and how you create what you focus upon.


Pay attention to your thoughts. It’s a call to introspection and self analysis. Since your thoughts are the seeds of everything you manifest around you, being more aware, more conscious of them will help you become better in the art of manifestation.


You’re on the right track. If you have doubts on the course of action you’re taking, then let 222 relieve you of that doubt. It means that everything is working out.You should trust what you’re doing right now. Everything will work out towards your best interest and the best interest of all involved.


The universe, angels, God, are working with you to make your dream, your goal a reality. You are co-creating your reality with the universe. You’re not alone in all of this. Define what you want and let the universe find a way for you to receive it.


Your angels are with you. You’re supported, loved and assisted on your path. You are not alone, beings of infinite powers are assisting you to manifest a better, joyful reality. It is a sign to ask for your angels for help, as angels can help you manifest what you ask.


You’re going through huge changes. These changes follow Divine will and are for the best. This is a request from the universe to invest yourself in these changes. Do your part in creating a new positive reality for yourself.


Wake up and return to your higher spiritual self. This can come in a moment of your life where you feel lost or where you’ve strayed away from your path. Focus on your road and walk on it, in all four dimensions: physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.


Angels have heard your requests. 777 is a confirmation from the universe that what you desire will be granted. The universe is putting in place circumstances, people, places and such for you to manifest what you desire. It’s a message of “keep moving forward” from the infinite intelligence.


You’ll face changes. These changes may seem positive or negative, but in the longer term, they’ll serve your greater good. These changes will impact your life in a positive manner. They’re the steps required to achieve your spiritual growth.


You’re reminded to get to work on your life purpose. It’s looking deep down inside and discovering who you are and what you want. This is because you may be doing something that doesn’t resonate with your truepurpose. Discover your authentic purpose. Walk on your new path.


You’ll receive this most likely when you are experiencing failure. It is a sign that all will be well. You need to stay positive and things will change in your favor soon. It can also mean you are in some kind of distress or danger and that you should pay more attention to your life.


You’re invited to wake up and see the bigger picture. This is a level of spiritual enlightenment that few people achieve. It is a call to introspection, as many other, but with the purpose of detaching yourself from whatever is bothering you.Focus on the bigger picture.


Step outside your comfort zone. It’s a sign that all you want is out there but you may have to do things you’ve never done before. If you feel stuck and afraid to take the next step, then 12:12 is a reassurance that this is exactly what you’re supposed to do.

Are these the only interpretation to the angel sequences?

No. I’ve read many school of thoughts, although these are the ones that feel closer to the truth for me. In some school of thoughts 666 is the sequence of erotic energy which means to explore sexual intimacy with your partner. Others say 911 is a sign of imminent danger.

My approach is different. When I see sequences showing up again and again, I ask my intuition what it means. Then the answer is served to me and it’s usually very similar to the above, although, it can differ. And while at the beginning it is fine to use these as a guide to interpret sequences, as you achieve more and more spiritual maturity, let your intuition guide you through.

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