The law of attraction seems like the easiest way to get what you want.

All you need is that intense focus on what you want to get your desires.

We all have different ways to perform the law of attraction.

Some meditate.

Others use other manifestation techniques

While others also use manifestation tools such as crystals, candles, music, etc.

There are a lot of success stories about the law of attraction. People raving about how it has helped them achieve their desires, how it helped them get the relationship that they’ve been dreaming of, how it helped them reach success, and so on…

As much as these stories are inspiring, there another side to the story…

There are also some stories about the law not working for them at all.


Here are some of the major reasons why the law of attraction isn’t working.


1) You Don’t Understand the Law of Attraction

As mentioned, the law of attraction seems like the easiest way to manifest what you want in life. For many, the way they understand the law of attraction is simply by thinking “thoughts” to create their reality.

But it doesn’t really work that way.

It’s actually how we feel that has a huge impact on the whole manifestation process. Our feelings are connected to our thoughts.

This is exactly why you need to learn how to flow the energy towards what you want to achieve through your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. This is when you’ll start noticing the changes.

2) You’re Too Caught Up in the Outcome

We’re all guilty of this. There are just really times when we want something so bad that all we can picture is the outcome. And that’s when it goes downhill.

You see, when we get too caught up in the outcome, we tend to overthink it. We tend to go through every detail of how we want it to come to our lives. That’s when things get complicated.

The next thing you know, you keep changing the outcome because it’s either you keep adding or eliminating details to it that slowly affects its consistency.

When it comes to the law of attraction, you have to be consistent in what you want to make it come into your reality.

Instead of picturing the outcome, know how you want to feel when you have what you want.

That’s it.

And let the universe handle the rest.

3) You’re Too Focused on the Negative

It seems contradictory for a person who’s practicing the law of attraction to be negative.

Unbeknownst to some, the process makes it easy prey to negative thoughts. This is most especially true when you think it’s not working out for you.

Once that thought comes to mind, expect a train of negative thoughts to come. When this happens, you attract more negativity into your life.

What you need to do here is to create genuine positivity. If this is challenging for you, just simply make a promise to yourself to push through with your manifestation techniques without thinking about whether or not they will work.

Just do it.

4) You Have Doubts

The key to the law of attraction is that you have to really believe in it. Now, if you don’t 100% believe in it then this will create doubts. When doubt creeps in, the law of attraction really won’t work for you.

So, if you’re skeptical about it, it’s best that you don’t start with it yet. Instead, open yourself up to better learn and understand it. There are many books and other useful information online that you can read up on to help you understand how the law of attraction works.

Sometimes, an individual just needs to feel like he’s well-prepared to take on a certain task to believe that things will work out. If this is you, then prepare yourself. Practice the law of attraction once you feel that you have a full grasp on it. Only then will you be able to make it work for you.

5) You’re Not In A Good Environment

Your environment has a huge impact on your thoughts and emotions. If you find that the law of attraction doesn’t work for you, look at what’s around you.

Take a look at your environment — such as your home, the way you interact people, the quality of people you engage with, etc.

Are they positive? Do they help you become a better version of yourself?

If you’re in toxic relationships or you’re often around with negative people, your power to manifest can be inhibited.

It’s crucial that you’re in a good environment. Start with your home and then evaluate the relationships that you have in your life.

6) You’re Impatient

Wanting something is one thing and keeping the faith is another. Remember that the law of attraction is a process.

You won’t get to point B without going to point A first. You can’t skip any process. And in the law of attraction, waiting is part of the process.

That’s why there is Divine Timing. This is when what is meant to come to your life arrives. Nobody knows when this is, that’s why all you have to do is be patient.

To ease the waiting process, you have to learn to recognize the signs. And to know which signs to look out for, you have to create the signs that you want to see. Watch out for them.

Now that you know the reasons why the law of attraction isn’t working for you, the more you should start focus on the good things in your life.

Start noticing the small things. There are so many good things that we tend to overlook because we are often on the lookout for something grand to happen to fully appreciate it.

But when you stop and notice the good things that come in small forms, you’ll notice how good life is.

Even if it’s not related to what you want to manifest, being grateful every day will go a long way.

The more grateful you are, the more you create opportunities for yourself.

Now, all you have to do is decide to find something good in your life.

Next thing you know, you’re amazed by how the law of attraction works.