Your past experiences in love may have left you lonely, sad, or even angry.

Some of you may think and feel there’s nobody for you after failed relationships.

While some may feel so frustrated that despite being open to love, there’s still nobody to give them the love that they deserve.

Despite the terrible experiences you had with love, there’s still a hope (for some, probably buried so deep) that you find THE ONE. And with that, at the back fo your mind, you have a specific person in mind and you have a particular type of love you want to be given to you.

That’s why I know you have the power to manifest the love from the specific person that you want.

In this post, I’ll teach you some tips to manifest the love of a specific person.

1. Direct Your Energy To What You DO

You indeed become what you think about, which means your thoughts are THAT powerful to create a world for you. The state you’re in right now is the reflection of your desires and thoughts.

So, if you want to improve the things in your life, you need to be in charge of your thoughts. You need to remove the every negate thought that occupies your mind. I know this isn’t the easiest thing to do, but it’s necessary you work hard to achieve this.

What you need to remember, especially every time a bad thought creeps in, is that your thoughts work like a boomerang.

Focus on your deepest desires instead of your fears and work your way from there.

2. Be The Person You Want To Attract

If you want to attract a specific person or love to complete you, then trust me, you won’t be successful. What you need to accept and embody first is that you are already whole. That means you can live on your own, and you can make yourself happy.

You might think this is counterproductive when you want to manifest love from a specific person, but this is one of the most important things to keep in mind.

You are not put on this planet to wait for someone to be your light and your happiness. You are your light. You are your happiness. When you come to terms with this, you will become the person you want to attract—someone who also loves him/herself.

When you become the person you want to attract and need, you become the change yourself. The Universe will reward you with everything you have ever wanted… and even more.

3. Focus On The Feeling Of The Result

Now that you’re clear about your expectations and the type of relationship you want, the next thing will be to focus on the feeling of the result. You are going to pretend that you already everything you want out of a romantic relationship—the partner that you want and the love you need in your life.

You can accomplish this by meditating on a daily basis and letting yourself indulge in the feeling of the result. Let your thoughts take you to a place where everything in your romantic life is exactly how you want it to be. Focus on the feelings of happiness, excitement, gratefulness, etc.

Dive into your deepest thoughts and feelings and let them devour you.

Most of the time, you will find love in the most unexpected places, and it will be magical. Keep an open mind, watch out for the signs from the Universe, and commit to practicing the tips listed in this post every day to boost your manifestation process.

You know exactly what you want, and that means you will definitely find it. There’s no ambiguity when you manifest love with a soulmate.

Let’s boost your manifestation process to make that love come faster into your life with the Raikov Effect. Find out more about it here.