Someone once told me that words are spells.

Words are magic.

What we speak into existence, is what we end up creating in our lives. 

Are you really always aware of the kinds of words you are using on a daily basis?  

If you’re like most people, much of the time, you might not be so aware of what you are saying.

As a result, your words might be blocking your best intentions to manifest! 

The good news is, this is all easy to change when you activate your throat chakra. 

Type throat chakra to reclaim your words and your voice now!

Having an activated throat chakra is vital. 

The throat chakra, also known in Sanskrit as Visuddah,

is the fifth energetic center of the chakra system,

located just above the heart chakra at your throat. 

Your throat chakra is your center of clear, conscious, intentional communication.

Its location between the heart chakra and third eye and crown chakra,

means that it serves as a sort of energetic bridge between the intuition and intelligence of the heart,

and the logic of the mind. 

When your throat chakra is open you allow for the flow of intuition from the heart to the mind.

Think of that flow like an energetic frequency that allows you to express thoughts and feelings coherently and authentically. 

Language is energy, and words are powerful.

They can contribute massively to how we create, experience, and manifest our realities. 

You have to speak your desires into existence. 

That’s why affirmations, mantras and deliberate speech are so powerful and indeed effective

in rewiring our beliefs about ourselves and helping us to consciously create what we desire. 

Think of how words are sound vibrations, each one directing energy to a certain frequency. 

What we say, and what we mean need to be aligned,

because words (or sound vibrations) are always communicating to both our conscious and subconscious,

as well as all other energies that we are connected to in the Universe. 

If you are constantly saying things like: I don’t believe I will ever get that job/ house/ spouse/ salary etc.

Then you are definitely slowing down your manifestations from arriving with your words. 

Equally, if you are saying I am abundant” but inside you do not feel it at all, your energy is misaligned. 

The good news is that when your words come from a deeply connected,

authentic place with an open throat chakra,

they will also reflect what you know to be true, on a core level.

Even if you don’t feel completely abundant yet, when your throat chakra is open and activated,

your words will be aligned to what you know on a soul level.

So you might say, I am on my way to being abundant.

I know that I have what it takes and I am willing to keep believing in my capacity for manifestation. 

Those words feel authentic and connected with what is true. 

One of the biggest signs of an open, activated throat chakra

is having a more innate awareness of the energy that your words carry when you speak them. 

You’ll discover that your words easily align with what you know inside, your higher self-perspective,

and the way that you communicate will vibrate with an energy of truth, power, and integrity. 

There will be a magnetism that you personally feel when you communicate,

especially about topics such as manifestation and your soul desires. 

You will know for sure that your throat chakra is activated when communication feels easy and effortless,

when you can express yourself and your opinions to others without anxiety or fear of being misunderstood,

and when you realize that you have a deep sense of self that guides your every thought,

word and expression of truth out into the world.