I always feel like the first Full Moon of the year

is like turning over the first page of a new book.

The frequency is all about new opportunities and a chance to start over.

Sound like something you want to tap into?

Comment “Wolf Moon” below and take charge of this energy now!

This January 13th full moon is known as the Wolf Moon.

Doesn’t that name just evoke mystery and wonder?

The name is rooted in legend and can be traced back to First Nation tribes

who named each Full Moon to honor and reflect the natural phenomena of the seasons around them.

In January, the wolves would howl through the cold,

wintery night landscapes, and that is exactly what inspired the name of this Full Moon every January.

If you’re a regular to this blog, you’ll know that Full Moons are times of completion,

culmination and transformation, symbolic of the climax of the lunar cycle.

Each one has a unique energy and message for us.

The Wolf Moon in Cancer is especially powerful,

marking the beginning of a new year and symbolizing fresh energy,

a new start and end of any old energy or situations from the past.

Here’s the great thing – you can use the combined power of the Full Moon,

the spiritual associations of the Wolf, and the initiative traits of Cancer

to get your year off to an amazing start!

Spiritual Themes and Wolf Energy

The Wolf Moon wants us to trust our instincts and be brave to confront our fears.

It’s about listening to our inner voice, and stepping into new,

exciting possibilities ready for all challenges!

There is an intuitive yet primal energy with this moon,

perfect for focusing on what matters to you and following your gut.

These are some of the key themes associated with this Full Moon:

  • Self-Reflection
  • Personal Strength and Confidence
  • Finding your inner Power
  • Releasing Fear and Gaining Courage
  • New Beginnings
  • Resilience
  • Emotional Awareness
  • Spiritual Intuition and Growth.
  • Unity with the Universe

This Wolf Moon falls in Cancer, a sign that the moon just adores to be in,

seeing as it’s also that sign’s ruler.

Cancer is a water sign that’s all about themes of family, home, and feeling safe and secure.

You may well feel a deep sense of comfort during this moon,

a very supportive energy to help you feel confident and courageous

about letting old things go and stepping into new possibilities.

A Sound Ritual to Align with the Moon

Practicing rituals under the Wolf Moon is a super transformative and symbolic way to start your year.

This Full Moon offers a chance to remove old energy from your life,

call in something new and focus yourself towards what matters for you going forward.

Here is a powerful, primal ritual to practice around the time of this Full Moon on January 13th.

Wolf Howl Release Ritual

Not for the shy among you, you’re going to use the power of sound to channel your inner strength

and personal power under the Full Moon.

On the night of the moon, go outside and take a deep breath.

Stand up tall under the night sky and think about the things you wish to release from your life.

Think doubts, fears, niggles, worries, and energy that holds you back.

Take a deep breath and find a sound that works for you

– a howl, a chant, a shout, even a big deep sigh.

If you prefer to sing, do that. Just vocalize in a way that feels good to you

(without freaking out your neighbors of course!)

As you make your specific sound,

just let the things you wish to release go energetically.

Imagine them leaving your energy field and disappearing under the illumination of the Full Moon.

Vocalizing can be incredibly helpful in tapping into that powerful, primal wolf energy,

clearing the way for fresh energy and courage.

Do this for as long as feels right for you.

Just make sure that when you are done,

you stand for a few moments longer and meditate on the future.

Visualize yourself in a bubble of protective light,

a shield that keeps you from returning to that old energy.

Imagine yourself with the power and strength, grace and dignity of the wolf.

Use this time to focus on what you want to bring into your life next,

and practice believing in yourself, knowing that you can always call upon your inner courage,

confidence and strength to light your own way no matter what.