What’s the big deal about eclipse season you might ask? 

Well, eclipses signal action and momentum – whether you asked for it or not. 

Eclipses bring profound endings and new beginnings. 

They can often shake things up for us, forcing us to make changes or take giant leaps that we wouldn’t have taken on our own. It’s important to remember though, that Eclipses are always about pushing you out of your comfort zone for a good reason. They help you to get where you need to be, even if that place is not what you initially imagined. 

In that way, Eclipses often work like powerful portals linking us to higher consciousness. 

Imagine that the Universe has something better in store for you, something you cannot even imagine yet. The energy of Eclipses can sometimes guide you there before you realize you’re ready to go. 

That’s where the challenging part can come in. 

It’s good to be prepared! 

October 2023 has two Eclipses – the first is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th, and the second is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th. 

Both eclipses fall in signs that are ruled by the planet Venus. 

The themes linked to this Eclipse cycle will evolve over time as we reach the end of 2023 and move into 2024 and beyond. 

Let’s dive into some cosmic details about the first New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14. 

This is a big event linked to the eclipse cycle that began in April of this year with the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. 

If you think back to April, can you remember what specific themes might have been emerging in your life? 

It’s very likely that those themes will be expanded on during this Eclipse season. 

As this New Moon Eclipse is in Libra – the sign of relationships, then relationships are likely to take center stage during this time. Libra energies will illuminate any of the issues that relate to your closest friendships and partnerships. 

Think about what triggers you and how you relate to other people. This will be a good time to rebalance any relationships that feel off-kilter. 

You might find yourself drawn to entering into new commitments, alliances, or even big partnerships and projects. The energy is favorable for taking risks and opening your heart to new people. 

Try to work in harmony with this energy by raising your energetic vibration and remaining open to love and friendship in all forms. 

My three top tips to navigate any tricky Eclipse Energies are: 

Journal each morning: Morning writing is a great way to release tension and anxiety through your words.

It doesn’t matter what you write, the idea is to connect with your subconscious and remove any foggy, chaotic mind energy by expressing yourself on paper. 

Get out in nature: It’s much easier to feel calm in the midst of any chaos when you are grounded.

Spend time each day by trees, flowers, lakes, the ocean, etc. Just try to connect your energy to the energy of the Earth. 

Mindfulness: Eclipses can be confusing and bring sudden change. It’s best to practice mindfulness throughout your day in order to remain steadfast in your own energy and bring a sense of peace and calm to all you do.