Do you accept that you are the most powerful creator of your own life?
I can tell you from my personal experience that this is a true statement.
Your thoughts are dictating your reality and creating your life.
Read that again.
You create your life with your thinking.
I’m emphasizing that because I also know from personal experience how easy it is to go,
yeah, sure my thoughts are important, blah blah…
and then just carry on as before without changing anything.
So what will it take for you to actually connect to your thoughts and get hold of your energy?
What is the magic bullet that wakes you up and forces you to focus on where you place your attention?
What if I told you that everything you want already exists?
We get so accustomed to the world that we see and hear with our eyes and ears
that most of us have just assumed that is all there is.
But beyond what we see there is a vibrational reality,
a vibrational world, which is not so much seen but felt and experienced emotionally.
Here’s the thing – this vibrational world is just as real and valid as the world we live in.
In fact, the world we live in is a manifestation of the unseen, vibrational world!
Everything in the Universe is vibrating on a deep level.
That includes your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
When you look around you at your current reality, what you see is a reflection (or a manifestation)
of your current perspective (or vibration, aka thoughts and emotions).
That doesn’t mean it is your conscious perspective or even one that you want,
but it is nevertheless a direct result of you and the energetic frequency that you are giving off.
When you raise your vibration and you feel good,
the things that come into your life (manifestations) will correspond with how you feel.
That’s why it’s so important to become acutely conscious of the way you generally think.
Depending on where you are placing your focus,
your thoughts can be consuming or empowering.
They can be inviting positivity, or magnetizing negativity.
They can be clarifying and expansive, or closed and draining.
I’m going to tell you about the fastest way I found
to get hold of my thoughts, shift my energy, and create my dream life.
Getting into Flow with Body, Mind and Soul.
I figured out that the fastest way to shift my energy,
redirect my thoughts and raise my vibration
was to take action that affected me on three levels – body, mind and soul.
Move the Body
If you’re in a funk or a negative thought spiral, one of the best things to do is to move your body.
Get up, go for a walk, cycle, hike, swim, do ten jumping hacks!
You get the idea.
As soon as you move physically you also move energy vibrationally.
It’s so much easier to change your thinking
once you get stuck energy literally flowing around your physical being.
Nourish the Mind
When you need to stop the flow of negative thinking and raise your vibration,
there are a few ways to do this by nourishing the mind.
You can meditate and try to quiet down the mental chatter.
I find that taking some deep breaths while outside in nature is the perfect medicine and calms me down
to a place where I can pivot more easily towards positive thinking.
Another great way to tackle overthinking is to play a great, uplifting tune.
Get into the vibration of what you actually want
by raising your emotions through music.
Music is an incredibly way to shift energy.
Extra points for singing and dancing!
Care for the Soul
Oftentimes we neglect ourselves on a soul level.
When we cannot jump into better focus and positive thinking,
it’s often because we haven’t been allowing our soul or spirit to really fly.
Maybe we’ve been in a rigid work routine, or cramming our days with chores and errands.
The best remedy I know is to see do something really out of the box
and nourishing for my soul, even on a crazy busy day.
Go take a walk through the woods, do a painting, write a poem,
visit a new part of your local town and have a relaxing coffee while reading a favorite book.
Just take the time for you no matter what.
Don’t forget about your soul.
Do what lights you up and you will ignite those thoughts that lead you
towards the life you really want to manifest, deep down.
The more you practice this, the more circumstances begin to change.
Doors open, the world begins to cater to you.
It is amazing the way positive, synchronistic things
just start to flow into your world when you decide to take action to feel better.
Reply to me with your experiences!
I make a pot of herbal tea & sit outside bare footed on a blanket with my dogs.