Did you know that there are healing frequencies
that can affect your body in a life-changing way?
And if this is news to you,
I guarantee you will be astonished at what you learn!
So here’s the thing…
Everything in the Universe is vibrating all the time.
Even the teeniest, tiniest atom.
And everything has its own vibrational frequency.
That’s kind of the whole basis for the Law of Attraction, right?
So it follows that everything in the body
(every single cell) also has its own natural frequency.
Frequency just means how fast those vibrations are happening.
Imagine now that your body is just like a very complex and beautiful musical instrument.
Healing sound frequencies can help to tune your body into alignment,
much like tuning an instrument to sound as it should.
This is all to do with a specific resonance.
Let me break it down further:
Resonance is when a sound at a particular frequency is played.
This sound frequency can cause parts of your body or mind
to start vibrating in harmony with that frequency.
Think of it like a matching of vibrations,
bringing balance and harmony to your mind, body, and soul.
In very simple terms, think of how relaxing,
beautiful music can make you feel calm,
happy or even euphoric, and how discordant, un-melodic
or scary sounds can make you feel sad, scared, or just generally off.
Music itself can totally change your mood.
Clearly we are profoundly affected by sound frequencies!
Digging even deeper, there is an incredible,
transformative power that healing frequencies hold
– the power to directly amplify the energy signature held by each of your Chakras,
and in turn connect to various individual states of love,
health, success, wealth, intuition and purpose.
To summarize that in an easy-to-understand-way think of it like this:
You have seven major chakras or subtle energy fields within your body.
Each chakra has its own specific energy signature and corresponding spiritual,
psychological, and physical functions.
The chakras also store information related to our own unique memories,
emotional programming, imprints, thoughts and experiences.
There are seven healing frequencies that correspond with each respective chakra,
working to balance, align, and activate the issues associated with each one.
And if you’re like, great awesome but how does this relate to manifesting?
I’ve got you! Hold on and let me explain…
Manifesting is all about the flow and direction of energy, right?
When you manifest something,
you do so because you have aligned the vibrational,
energetic frequencies of the thing you desire and your own energy signature.
Your entire energetic system is generated by the chakras,
so of course they are super important when it comes to manifesting.
There’s one chakra that is particularly important,
especially when you’re just starting this kind of work
– it’s the Root Chakra.
Why? Well, the root chakra is kind of the whole basis of your chakra system.
Just like you wouldn’t try to build a house without first laying the foundations,
you need this chakra to be balanced and healthy before you can manifest your dreams in full.
Don’t get me wrong, ALL your Chakras are important,
but if you’re focused on clearing energy for manifestation
– my advice (and I speak from experience here),
is to emphasize healing the Root Chakra.
The Root Chakra is the chakra related to wealth, abundance and success
– when it is functioning properly you will have no problems
staying motivated to realize your dreams.
It’s just an absolute essential in my eyes!
This information was life-changing for me and I want to share it with you too.
What’s the Next Step?
If you have the Midas Manifestation audios,
this is where the fifth track, Midas Unleashed comes in.
This is the audio that uses 369 Hz frequencies to directly amplify your Root Chakra.
You can also snatch five minutes throughout your day
to close your eyes and chant the word Lam over and over again.
Chanting Lam activates the Root Chakra.
The vibration of the mantra has a clearing,
awakening effect on your energy center.
If you are feeling stressed,
out of balance or worried about finances,
try chanting Lam as often as you can throughout your day,
while focusing on your root chakra area.
Try to do this in conjunction with listening to the audios.
What’s the most outrageous desire you’d like to manifest this year?
Share your goals in the comment section below.