Who doesn’t want to have a lot of money? I grew up poor. I was raised by one of the strongest women in the world—my mom, who’s a single mom, did everything she can to send me to good schools, ensure that I have food to eat, and clothes to wear.

I am very close to my mom, and now that I’m old enough and building my career, I can’t wait to give my mom a better life.

I was able to rent an apartment in my city, and growing up poor, I know the value of money. I live within my means and eventually, I saved a year’s rent in my bank account.

I like to be prepared and should things slow down, I wouldn’t have to worry.

More than anything, I love that I can help my mom and my friends when they need financial help.

Call me responsible, but that’s how I really. I don’t have any siblings; and you might think that now that I’m earning, that I have it easy.

Aside from my determination and discipline, I also believe in the spiritual side of things on this planet. My grandmother, who is half-Chines (yes, by the way, I’m half-Chinese), gave me a Qi Lin amulet on my 18th birthday.

The Qi Lin In My Life

Qi Lin is a mystical feng shui creature and it’s one of the most powerful symbols of good omens and prosperity.

Being an only child, and seeing her daughter struggle to raise me, I know my grandmother truly believes in the amulet to give it to me on my 18th birthday. Ever since then, I carry the amulet with me until I find a home for it by adding it to my bracelet.

I never take it off, until that time at the beach where I spent almost five days with my friends. I love the beach and since I don’t get to go often, I want to truly immerse myself in it, hence I made sure that I’m just in my beachwear and nothing else. So I took off my accessories, along with the bracelet that has the amulet. I kept it in my bag.

The first day was awesome, but I felt sad, empty even. And I lack the drive to enjoy my day. All I did was catch up on my sleep and do nothing.

I turned into a lazy couch potato. And I didn’t want that because I know my brain wants to enjoy the vacation. After all, I planned this for months.

I thought then that I was just in one of my moods so I decided to call it an early night and pray for a better tomorrow. The next day, I still feel horrible and I couldn’t explain why—I didn’t want to do anything.

My friends thought I caught a bug or something, and they were sweet enough to let me be on my own when I insisted that they push through with their plans.

Stuck in bed, unable to move, and eating a lot of junk, I hated myself. I don’t know why I felt unmotivated. I should be having fun right now.

Being a person who’s awesome at analysis, I backtracked to the days leading to my beach trip. I tried to think of why I felt that way until it dawned on me that I’m not wearing the Qi Lin!

I don’t know what that means but it just popped in my head and I immediately put it on.

I didn’t feel anything then. I just went back to bed and prayed that I feel better soon because I really want to do a lot of things.

The Qi Lin In My Life

I fell asleep and when I woke up, I felt rejuvenated.

I was happy that my “drive” is back and then I immediately went to my friends and enjoyed our vacation. It was the best!

When I came home, I visited my mom and told her all about my vacation. I told her about the Qi Lin amulet and she said, “That’s the reason you have so much drive, dear.”

And I believed her.

I truly believe in my Qi Lin and with it, I always feel like there’s a dragon inside me, despite how tiny I am.

There’s no wonder I keep attracting wealth and promotion opportunities because the Qi Lin has that power in the workplace.

Now, I’m never taking this off.

Get your Qi Lin amulet