On August 8th, we have incredible, heightened galactic energy happening with the beginning of a new lunar cycle under the powerful Lionsgate portal.

The numerology of 8/8 (August being the 8th month) activates this portal — together with the Sun in the sign of Leo, and the rising of the star Sirius.

This powerful combination of energy opens a galactic portal allowing high-frequency energy to reach the Earth.

This profound and powerful spiritual light can be accessed and integrated by all of us at this time.

This spiritual and cosmic gateway can be traced back to ancient Egypt, it’s been honored as a crucial time of powerful galactic energy for thousands of years.

Ancient people tracked the rising of the bright star Sirius, believing it to be symbolic of rebirth, abundance, raising consciousness, and spiritual awareness.

The energies of Sirius have long been associated with fertility, abundance, prosperity, and harvest, but also an expansion of the spiritual mind.

That’s because Sirius is seen as our Spiritual Sun — it is in fact twice the size of our sun and much brighter.

At the same time, our Sun shines a light on our physical world, Sirius, as our Spiritual Sun illuminates our spiritual souls.

Ancient civilizations were connected to Sirius, believing it was the gateway to heaven and a place where higher vibrational beings lived.

They believed that the energy from Sirius flooded down to Earth with highly advanced wisdom and spiritual light that we could connect with whenever Sirius was shining bright in the sky.

Exactly when you see the rising of this star depends on where you are on the planet and your location’s latitude.

Still, regardless August 8th has become an auspicious date to observe the beginning of this portal thanks to the powerful numerology of 8/8.

You may expect to feel the strength of this vibrational energy before and afterward.

Why Lionsgate And What Does 88 Mean?

The Sun in Leo is the reason for the name Lionsgate, as the Lion represents Leo.

Leo is also closely connected to the heart center, expressing positive, divine energy.

The numerology of 88 symbolizes infinity – both the infinite souls that we are and the infinite life journey we are on and spiritual intelligence and DNA activation.

The intense surge of light that occurs with this cosmic alignment, awakens our DNA and activates our energy fields, offering us the opportunity to awaken and raise our consciousness.

This light energy comes as a chance for us to unlock greater awareness, an opportunity to step into our full power and embody who we came here to be.

We can integrate these energies straight into our light bodies.

It is a powerful time for manifesting and setting intentions.

It is as though all of us here on Earth are being given a chance to progress on our individual journeys, awakening to our true potential.

The Lionsgate energy can connect us with our intuition and expand our spiritual wisdom, activate heart healings and third eye awakenings, as well as boost creativity, psychic downloads, and overall peace and harmony.

It is a wonderful time to fully embrace this energy and concentrate on how you can send it out into the world with your light-filled actions.

While this portal occurs every year on August 8th, this year in 2021, it also coincides with the highly creative Leo New Moon.

This brings a beautiful, amplifying energy to any intentions you set at this time.

New Moons are always about intention setting, but you can think of this one as being extra charged with powerful light energy!

New Moon Lionsgate Intention Setting

Think about what you wish to create more of in your life.

Make sure that your desires and dreams are truly coming from your heart space.

Leo is a very heart-driven and heart-centered sign, so the energy invites you to check in with your higher self this way.

You can tell if your intentions are truly aligned for you by connecting to your heart when you think of them.

You can literally put your hand on your heart while you conjure up your intentions in your mind.

Do they make you feel expansive and excited?

If so, you can be sure that they are in alignment with your highest purpose.

Narrow down your intentions to 3 or 4 major priorities that align with your highest vision for yourself.

Write these down on a piece of paper.

These priorities will be what you focus on every day in the weeks to come.

I recommend meditating on the night of August 8th and imagining this beautiful light coming down through your crown chakra and filling your body with its energy.

Visualize this light flowing through your body and being used by your higher self in the ways it needs.

Your higher self will know, you do not need to overthink this.

You can also imagine this light energy spreading outwards to engulf the entire planet with its high vibrational frequency of love, abundance, and harmony.

This New Moon on the Lionsgate encourages you to harness your inner lion and step into your life with confidence and courage.

Allow yourself to feel the limitless potential of this Universe and know in your heart that you literally can have anything that you want.