The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Gemini on May 20th.

As it does this it moves away from the grounded, earthy energy of Taurus season

and moves up to the cerebral energy of air sign Gemini. 

Supporting all things connected to communication,

self-expression and sharing our thoughts,

Gemini season is the perfect time to rewrite the stories that keep holding you back from treading your truest life path. 

We all have a ‘money story.’ 

It’s what you believe to be true about money and wealth.

It’s the foundation upon which you have built a lifetime of beliefs about how much money you are personally allowed to have.

Whether consciously or not. 

You can figure out the basics of your own money story pretty easily by asking yourself the following questions: 

  • Do I believe money is hard to come by?
  • Do I believe rich people are bad? 
  • Do I believe that I can only have money if I work hard? 
  • Do I think that there is not enough money to go round? 
  • Do I feel I have to suffer in order to have what I want? 

Now, seriously answer these questions from an honest place, not what you think you should say.

Try to get in touch with those core beliefs you hold deep down inside. 

Most of us believe at least three of the above.

It’s just the way our parents, society and culture have presented the concept of wealth to us. 

How many people are taught in school that money is energy?

I’ll bet not many.

But it is. 

Money is simply energy. 

Look at the difference between the following: 

Prosperity Consciousness – You see abundance and opportunity everywhere.

You believe you are totally worthy of receiving vast amounts of money.

You see that money can light up the lives of people around you and even help the planet and animals.

Money is light energy that you can spread abundantly everywhere. 

Poverty Consciousness – You see lack, limitation and scarcity everywhere.

You do not believe you deserve to have wealth.

You criticize people for having too much money and gossip about how they waste it.

You feel in competition with others and envy rich people. 

If you know that you are rooted in poverty consciousness, it is time to change your story.

And Gemini season is an extremely supportive time to do so, energetically speaking. 

That just means that the energy you put into redirecting your thoughts,

changing your beliefs and shifting your money story will be easier to do now,

while the sun is in a sign that promotes communication and self expression! 

How to Change your Money Story 

First, get clear on what your limiting beliefs are.

Be honest, Be truthful.

Write them down. 

Now that you know what your limiting beliefs around money are,

you need to swap them with more positive, abundant beliefs. 

For example, every time you feel that lackful vibration creeping in, choose to feel either:

Gratitude: Feel grateful for your dreams, focus on positive changes and raise your vibration. 

Abundant: Choose to feel abundance right now no matter what.

Do something that makes you feel abundant in the moment,

whether its taking an indulgent bubble bath,

booking a massage or buying yourself flowers. 

Focused: Bring your attention back to your overall vision and remember that you hold the power to create your own reality. 

The Takeaway 

Use this cosmic gift of Gemini season energy to swap out those old money stories once and for all. 

Decide to always be in an abundance mindset.

Be willing to take more risks.

Take more opportunities.

They are always passing by, left and right.

 If you are not open to seeing them, you won’t be able to take advantage of what is naturally there for you!

Just open your eyes to it, believe it’s possible and let abundance come to you.