Have you ever felt stuck when trying to manifest your desires?

I certainly did, especially when it came to understanding surrender.

But here’s the thing – surrendering is not about giving up or admitting defeat.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Surrendering is about letting go of the how. It’s about not getting too caught up in the details of how your desires will come to fruition.

As someone who deeply feels their desires, I struggled to grasp this concept at first. And as a result, I couldn’t manifest my desires effectively.

Does this resonate with you?

Let me shed some light on the true essence of surrendering.

It’s about trusting and believing, without needing to know all the intricate details.

Embracing surrender is the secret to unlocking the power of manifestation.

Ready to uncover the true meaning of surrender? Let’s dive in.

Let’s recap a little on the stages of manifesting:

  1. Get clear on what you desire 
  2. Ask the Universe/ set an intention
  3. Strengthen your alignment with it
  4. Take inspired action 
  5. Surrender and trust the process

Of course, everyone’s different and we all follow a unique process for manifesting our desires.

You don’t have to take the order of these too seriously, it might be that you are already taking inspired and joyful action towards your desire before you “formally” ask the universe or set an intention.

That’s great news! It means you are already aligned energetically with what you want. 

However, it is important that you surrender and trust the process.

As I said before, surrendering does not mean giving up in this context. It means giving up the strain and stress of trying to make something happen how you imagine it to unfold. 

That, believe it or not, is a really big challenge for many of us. We have preconceived ideas of how we want things to work out. 

Let’s say that you desire to meet your soulmate.

The surrendering part of this is not about pretending you don’t want to meet your soulmate.

You can’t lie to yourself about what you want and you certainly cannot lie to the universe. 

What you let go of is the illusion that you can figure out how it’s going to happen.

Surrender is really TRUST.

It’s saying to the Universe, hey, I know you will guide me and I’m going to let go and wait for that inspired action, or that sign you give me in the form of a feeling, an instinct, or a new encounter. 

You can align with your desires just by feeling happy!

You might be wishing for the money to buy a new house, and during the time that you are meditating, laughing with your friends, or dancing in your salsa class, you are aligning yourself energetically with that new house, EVEN THOUGH it seems to be totally unrelated.

Your happiness raises your vibration and brings your desires closer to you.

That really is how it works.

The answer is always to live your life as best you can, feel as happy as you can as often as you can, and enjoy every moment. 

Knowing how your intention comes about is NOT your job. 

Your only job is to keep your VIBRATION HIGH and get on with your life!

You don’t have to keep checking or keep telling the universe what you want.

That’s it.

And I know it’s hard, we could all do with learning to surrender more.