Do you love to ruminate and analyze things?

I have always found it hard to understand people who don’t overthink like I do.

I cannot imagine what it would feel like to naturally let things go, instead of dissecting them and running them over and over in my mind.

At least, I used to be like that. It got to a point where I had to stop for my sanity!

It’s great to be someone who thinks deeply, and probably, if you are reading this, you might well be someone who thinks a lot too.

That’s because we, overthinkers, are often drawn to the spiritual side of things, longing to figure out the meaning of life and understand ourselves and the world around us.

Being curious and a deep thinker is a wonderful trait, but it can turn detrimental when it starts to block your ability to feel peace.

What is Detrimental Thinking?

  • When your thinking becomes obsessive and causes you anxiety.
  • When it stops you from being able to make clear, confident decisions.
  • When it acts as a block to your ability to manifest.

I am sensitive to energy and vibrations, and I always know when my over-thinking and constant mental chatter has created a kind of fog around me energetically, stopping me from accessing my true divine self.

It literally acts like a barrier between my third eye crown chakra and source energy. That’s why I had to learn how to control it.

Too much thinking with the brain can lead you in circles. You have to learn to feel from your heart as well.

Do you relate to this?

It’s hard for us sensitive types to control our minds sometimes.

Our thoughts carry vibrations, and the more you allow your mind to run all over the place, the more energy you give those vibrations.

Soon you are carried off on the energetic momentum of them without even realizing it’s happening.

When that happens, your entire reality starts shifting in accordance with that cluttered energy, and it becomes more challenging to manifest and access your inner self.

Why? Because as you offer your vibration to the Universe, it, in turn, gives you a reality that reflects that vibration.

Remember this is a vibrational Universe responding to your energetic frequency whether that is positive, negative, or mixed.

You are creating your reality in every moment with your thoughts.

If your thoughts are chaotic, cluttered, and anxious, guess what?

You’re giving off a cluttered vibration that could be attracting indecision, stagnant energy, fatigue, anxiety and even depression, and lack of general motivation.

But don’t panic! You don’t want to start worrying about every single thought you have and trying to control them with your mind.

After all, that is just another form of overthinking!

So what’s the solution?

Taming your thoughts and learning to stop the endless chatter in your mind means shifting your awareness into your heart.

Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

What he meant was the solution is always a different vibration to the problem.

So we cannot think our way out of overthinking. We have to drop into our hearts.

What does following your heart mean?

When you follow your heart you are more in touch with your emotions and your feelings.

You are more connected to your instinct, and able to make decisions for your life without constantly going over and over the same thoughts in your mind.

You are to some extent turning the dial down in the “thinking part” of your brain and turning the dial up in your heart space.

You tune into your heart to guide you towards what is right for you, the decision that resonates with your entire soul and not just your brain.

Certainly this way of being takes practice, you will have to be determined to catch yourself when you start overthinking.

But once you start to turn the energy more towards your heart space, it’s easy to see the positive results.

You will feel freer, happier, healthier, and far more confident.

Being less caught up in your mind with all its thoughts and anxieties is a spiritual release.

Here are my top tips to help you transition from overthinking to feeling from your heart:

Daily Meditation: Even just 5 minutes a day of mindful breathing can help your busy thoughts.

You could also try listening to calming music when you wake up or before going to sleep, to create a tranquil atmosphere with cortisol-reducing music or nature sounds.

Visualization: Try to imagine your unproductive thoughts being placed in a large trash bag and then fling them out into the Universe to be transformed into light energy.

You can also try this in the shower, imagine the running water rinsing away your mental chatter metaphorically.

Journalling / Morning Pages: Getting your thoughts and worries out on paper without judgment is truly life-changing. Try it for a week and see how it makes you feel.

Use the morning pages as time for you to release all those busy thoughts almost as though you were purging them from you.

Once you have written up to 3 pages, close your notebook and leave those thoughts and anxieties there, not to be taken into the day with you.

Exercise outside: Nothing like movement to get you out of your brain and into your body!

I find even a brisk walk for 30 minutes in the sunlight does wonders to get me into a different state of being. Aerobics, swimming, cycling, hiking, dance, yoga – whatever takes your fancy, just make it part of your routine.

Heart-Brain Coherence: This is when you consciously place your awareness in your heart center, slowing your breathing to take smooth, cleansing breaths.

You are sending the signal to your nervous system to relax and feel peace.

As you breathe here with your focus on your heart, consciously create a feeling of gratitude, love or compassion.

This elevated emotional state has wonderful benefits for you. You can find this emotion by remembering someone or something in your life that makes you happy and grateful.

Try to remain in this state for 5 minutes for maximum benefits.

This is an incredibly powerful practice that gets you right into your heart space, and allows your heart to influence your thoughts and the quality of your energy in a calm, intuitive and positive way.

Ultimately, living from your heart is your greatest aid to manifestation.

It will help you to create your life by opening you to your higher self and guidance from the Universe.

Doing this, you strengthen yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

You create elevated thoughts and raise your own consciousness, you can even strengthen your immune system this way through calming your fight or flight response.

You can think of all those chaotic and cluttered thoughts as energy that needs to be redirected or transmuted in some way.

When you learn to channel that energy you can make huge strides in your life in positive ways.

Of course, it is a challenge to step out of a habitual way of being, thinking, and experiencing life to come to a place of balance and calm, but the rewards are worth the struggle.

Even just making the effort is a start.

When you take the time to evolve your spiritual practice you accept responsibility for your own thoughts, emotions, and energy — all of which create your life.

You are accepting the fact that no one else can create your reality for you. It’s all down to you.

Do this every day as much as possible and over time you will make a giant transformation in your life experience.