This week you can ride the creative energy of the New Moon in Leo and create some big intentions going forward.
On August 18, at 26 degrees, the New Moon signifies a chance to work on yourself, and expand your inner growth as well as set some strong goals.

Even though the new moon is occurring on the 18th-19th August, you can use the Leo New Moon energy to your benefit between the 18th – 28th August, so don’t worry if you missed it, there is still time to set some intentions and maybe perform a new moon ritual or meditation.

New moons are usually a time to set goals, intentions, and plant the seeds for what you want to manifest in the month ahead. The only difference this month with the New Moon in confident and self-assured Leo is that you may also feel inclined to analyze how that Leo energy manifests in your life and could be tempted to criticize yourself (with a negative focus on your confidence levels, self-presentation and perception).

Be aware of this and instead of sinking into self-doubt and self-consciousness, turn the focus onto where you want to elevate your frequency by tapping into your true purpose.

If you know where Leo falls in your chart, it’s helpful to understand that this area of your life is where you are being called to shine. If you can, set goals and intentions for this highlighted area of your life, but if you don’t know about your birth chart, it doesn’t matter, the lunar energies are about setting goals on the things that mean the most to you, something only you can truly know and understand.

2020 has been a hard year, we all know it and we’re all somewhat apprehensive about what the final months of the year will bring.
Don’t let the uncertainty and fear feed you feelings of self-doubt. This year has brought setbacks but also the opportunity for growth and change. How can you work to maximise the last third of this year?

See this lunar phase as the perfect opportunity for you to improve yourself, and step fully and courageously into your power.
This Leo moon is about being bold and brave with your intentions, setting strong goals, and committing to the kind of life-changing growth that you have always dreamed of.

Take advantage of this New Moon to do the work required for you and your life. It’s not enough to hope for things to change, you have to be capable of doing the work needed.

Sometimes that means getting temporarily uncomfortable in order to shed the old you and walk towards a new truth.
During this week, shine a light on your inner child and be comfortable sitting with whatever arises. Our inner children are always crying out for our attention, if you do the work you will release years of built-up tension and self-sabotage.

Shining a light on your inner child means tuning into your emotions, really feeling them and understanding your shadow side. Figuring out why you are triggered by certain things and learning to be aware of them.

Leo can make many of us feel insecure, as its powerful confident energies illuminate where we may be lacking in self-esteem. Instead of feeling bad and wallowing in blame or thinking over past mistakes or wrong perceptions, think about how you tend to react to others you may feel envious of. What kinds of things make you feel insecure?

Ask yourself how can you stay in your own power this week? Use this new moon to be authentically you, and to know and own your power with every fibre of your being.

Try this Leo New Moon Meditation and Ritual

Step into your Power with the New Moon in Leo

  • Find a quiet place and light a candle. You can cleanse the space beforehand with sag or palo santo.
  • Recite something like:
    “I release all that weighs me down. I cleanse this space from negative energies. I am restored, whole and powerful. I welcome in new energies of peace, positivity and power.”
  • Close your eyes and imagine a flame before you, bright and strong. This flame is burning away your inner critic and false beliefs. Your insecurities and doubts. Allow this flame to burn all that negative, unnecessary energy away and let it go.
  • Sit quietly in the knowledge that you know your true power. You are a wonderful being of love.
  • When you open your eyes from this meditation, write down three goals or intentions that you have for the coming weeks. Unleash your creativity, you can use paints, pencils, colors whatever you like.Dream big. Let your creativity and your intention soar.
    Draw your intentions or write down specific words, get really strong and clear about what they are and how they feel.
  • When you are finished, fold the paper and keep them somewhere safe until the next full moon.
    You can recite something like this:
    “With this new moon, I magnetize these intentions towards me. I ask for guidance from the Universe to manifest these intentions into my life, and for the support to know which step to take next. I understand that everything is as it should be and will unfold in perfect timing and for my highest good and the good of all things. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Happy Leo New Moon!