What if I told you that your life can become so much easier? 

All you need to do is understand energy. 

Energy is the foundation of everything. Once you change your energy, your life transforms too.

If you have been craving abundance, understanding how energy works to manifest is essential. 

Abundance is something that exists all around you already. It is an inherent quality of the Universe.

If you have been trying really hard to manifest and you are not seeing the results you desire, read on!

One of the biggest blocks to experiencing your dreams, desires, and goals as reality often has to do with being stuck in your upper chakras and not focusing on strengthening your lower chakras. 

Your upper chakras are related more to dreams and psychic intuition, whereas your lower chakras are associated with the physical world.

You need them to be balanced first before you can start to magnetize your dreams toward you in the physical dimension, 

Ideally, your entire energy body needs to be aligned and balanced in perfect harmony. 

When one of your chakras is blocked or stagnant it throws off the total alignment of your body, and in turn your life begins to reflect that imbalance. 

Start by clearing and healing the lower chakras and you will find things in your life beginning to shift. 

Your lower chakras are:

The Root Chakra (base of the spine/ color red) 

The root chakra is associated with your sense of belonging, family, and security.

It really is the foundation for your entire well-being and when it’s healthy and fully rooted, you will feel capable of anything!

Just like a house needs foundations and a tree needs strong roots, you too need a grounded and solid root chakra. 

Look for ways to work on expanding your relationships, your sense of safety and security, and belonging by keeping busy in your local community.

Join activities that connect you to other people and make you feel part of something bigger. 

The Sacral Chakra (beneath your naval/ color orange) 

The sacral chakra is connected to fun and pleasure. It’s necessary to let loose and enjoy life as well as working hard.

That balance is required! 

Always include joy and beauty in your life, make sure you don’t take things too seriously, and bring a sense of playfulness and fun to all that you do. 

Check-in with yourself regularly to make sure you are bringing a lightness to anything too serious or heavy. 

Solar Plexus Chakra (beneath your rib cage/ color yellow)

This chakra is about how you express yourself in the world.

It’s linked to your confidence and self-esteem – your most authentic self. 

When this chakra is out of balance you might experience fears about what other people think about you.

You could experience a big lack of self-worth and be disconnected from your direction in life. 

Work on boosting your self-belief and shining your unique light in the world.

Visualize yourself as a big ball of loving happiness and radiate that positivity out into the world.

Learn to let others’ opinions or lack of belief in you become irrelevant. 

The only thing that matters is your own light and self-belief. 

Work on aligning your chakras every day and you will create a solid foundation from which to manifest.