The long summer nights are beginning to feel a little more fall-like where I live.

I can sense the seasons shifting and the light changing in a beautiful way that just warms my soul. 

What’s it like where you are in the world?

Reply to me, let’s connect wherever you are. 

Just as that seasonal transformation begins,

so too do we enter a cosmically transformative season

as September kicks off with a New Moon opening the Eclipse Gateway. 

I always think September is the best time for intention-setting, far more so than January,

and with this New Moon on September 2nd, there’s no better way to begin the month. 

What’s in store? 

Add to that the fact that we are now in Virgo season

and you’ll understand why the energy is all about getting organized, setting goals,

and putting things in order in all senses. 

New Moons represent the beginning of a new lunar cycle,

making them the ideal time to wipe our own slates clean and begin again. 

This New Moon is connected to a powerful Pisces Lunar Eclipse later on in the month

and as you may well know, eclipses generally bring up the theme of endings, closure and change. 

It’s possible that by the end of this month, a chapter of your life may be being finalized,

or something will be coming to a close. 

This New Moon may serve as a sign of what that thing may be,

offering clues and hints towards what needs to be removed, released,

and finalized from your life. 

You might also have the feeling that you can see the light at the end of a tunnel

with regard to a specific situation you have been dealing with. 

Virgo Lunar Energy 

Because we are entering a busy time of the year with astrology,

this New Moon might not deliver results immediately,

so it’s a great time to practice patience and trust in the divine timing of the Universe. 

Rest assured however,

whatever seeds of inventions you plant now will grow, blossom, and bloom down the line. 

You just need to be sure you are working towards your goals with diligence and faith. 

The Virgo New Moon is an amazing time to get things done.

You’ll find this lunar energy sets you up perfectly to be efficient, productive and disciplined.

You’ll find the desire to get things done and be dedicated to what you can accomplish fast. 

Virgo is also reminder for self-care.

The virgin Goddess is all about treating her body as a sacred temple.

So don’t overwork and burn out!

Make sure you carver out time to be still, nourish yourself and feel grounded – Virgo is an Earth sign! 

Intention Setting Tips 

If you’re not sure what to focus on this month, maybe these tips will help. 

  • Write down three goals – both long and short-term, and consider how you can find more motivation, disciplined and structure to achieve those goals. 

  • What bad habits do you need to release in order to have more focus and energy directed towards what is important for you? 

  • How can you work on improving your self-care? What simple ways can you treat yourself better? 

  • Perhaps treating yourself to a nice healthy meal, or making your home feel like a nourishing sanctuary with flowers, crystals, and essential oils?

  • Where do you need to give yourself more emotional space to heal? What is still pulling at your energy and stopping you from focusing on your dreams? 

The Bottom Line 

What is sacred to you should be prioritized during this New Moon.

Stay connected to what matters, what is true and what brings you joy. 

This could be an important time to really get honest about what is sucking your energy

and what needs to go from your life.

By the time that Pisces Eclipse rolls around, you’ll be ready to face whatever comes up.